Rogue Scholar Posts

Artificial IntelligenceBrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusGiraffatitanLLMEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Here’s a Mastodon thread from a year ago. Just a quick check on how ChatGPT’s getting on … Me: Who reassigned the species Brachiosaurus brancai to its own genus, and when? ChatGPT: The species Brachiosaurus brancai was reassigned to its own genus, Giraffatitan, by the paleontologist Michael Janensch in 1914.

Stinkin' InvertebratesEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I’ll be sending this letter to the Royal Society, but I also want it out there in public, because I hope that more people will follow the lead set by Dorothy Bishop and Stephen Curry in putting pressure on the Royal Society to grow a backbone. Dear Royal Society of London, You exist to support the advancement of science.

How The Sausage Is MadeHuman AnatomyPeople We LikeStinkin' Appendicular ElementsStinkin' MammalsEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

I have a new paper out: Ramnani, A.S., Landeros, J.T., Wedel, M., Moellmer, R., Wan, S., Shofler, D.W. 2025. Supernumerary muscles in the leg and foot: A review of their types, frequency, and clinical implications. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 114(6): 9pp.

HaplocanthosaurusEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

New paper out today, in Geology of the Intermountain West (free at this link): Boisvert, Colin, Bivens, Gunnar, Curtice, Brian, Wilhite, Ray, and Wedel, Mathew. 2025. Census of currently known specimens of the Late Jurassic sauropod Haplocanthosaurus from the Morrison Formation, USA.

FemurPapers Everyone Should ReadStinkin' Appendicular ElementsStinkin' MammalsWolvesEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

Jessie Atterholt and I are helping one of our students write up a pathological dinosaur bone (you’ll definitely hear more about this in time), and we needed a good example paper for our student to use as a model. We chose several, but for me the standout was Scott et al. (2015), and that’s the one I’m focusing on here.

CaudalDiplodocidsNavel BloggingPneumaticityTornieriaEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

Quick backstory: this post at Adam Mastroianni’s Experimental History led me to this post at Nothing Human, and poking around there led me to another good’un: “Shallow feedback hollows you out”. That post really hit for me, and it made me think about SV-POW!

AllosaurusDiplodocidsDorsalGiant Oklahoma ApatosaurineStinkin' MammalsEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

Newly out in VAMP: Danison, Andy D., Wedel, Mathew J., Barta, Daniel E., Woodward, Holly N., Flora, Holley M., Lee, Andrew H., and Snively, Eric. 2024. Chimerism of specimens referred to Saurophaganax maximus reveals a new species of Allosaurus (Dinosauria, Theropoda). Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology 12:81-114.

NecksStinkin' MammalsEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Author Matt Wedel

Check out the new paper by Jerry Harris, “What exactly is a nuchal ligament and who exactly has one?” This is one of those papers that fires on lots of cylinders for me: it’s interesting, it’s useful, and holy crap, the work that went into it is humbling. Note that of the 75 pages in the PDF, only about the first 20 are text, and the rest comprise two massive, exhaustively-researched and exhaustively-referenced tables. It’s free at VAMP.

ApatosaurusCervicalI'm StupidVentral ViewsEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I happened to be reading back over Tutorial 34: How to document a specimen, when something caught my eye in the example photo we used of how to capture the label and appropriately positioned scalebar along with the specimen: BYU 20178, cervical vertebra from an apatosaurine sauropod in ventral view, anterior to the left.