Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Syntaxus baccata

This past year was relatively quiet for Citation.js as well. Ulex europaeus , observed December 24th, 2024, Vlieland, The Netherlands. Changes BibTeX: output of non-ASCII characters was improved. BibLaTeX: support for data annotations was added! DOI: the DOI pattern was broadened to include non-standard DOI formats. Support for ORCIDs was improved, making it possible to map authors’ ORCIDs to different formats.

Published in Syntaxus baccata

Last year I got a bug report that Citation.js was not working when built in a Next.js production environment for unclear reasons. Next.js is a popular server framework to make web applications with React, and by default transforms all JavaScript files and their dependencies into “chunks” to improve page load times. In production environments, Next.js uses the Rust-based “Speedy Web Compiler” SWC to optimize and minify JavaScript code.

Published in Jabberwocky Ecology

(Blog post) “MIT libraries are thriving without Elsevier” by Cory Doctorow. This blog post is about the collective action problem of moving academic publishing away from the big corporate publishers that extract millions of dollars/year from scholarly research while contributing very little in return. It reports on an encouraging report by SPARC about MIT’s success in canceling their Elsevier subscriptions.

Published in Jabberwocky Ecology

Last week an exciting new addition to the R ecosystem was announced: webR. webR lets you run R from inside your browser, without installing R 1 . This is a really exciting development for educational materials, because it makes it possible to provide interactive materials where students can modify, create, and run code right inside a web page with zero setup.

Published in Syntaxus baccata

Following up on the previous two updates this year ( Version 0.5 and a 2022 update and Version 0.6: CSL v1.0.2 ), here are some updates from the second half of 2022, as well as some statistics. Sapygina decemguttata , a small wasp, observed July 8th, 2021 Changes The mappings of the Wikidata plugin were updated, especially to accomodate for software. The default-locale setting of some CSL styles is now respected.

Published in Syntaxus baccata

Since the citation-js npm package was first published, version 0.6 is the first major version of Citation.js that did not start out as a pre-release. Version 0.3 itself spent almost 6 months in pre-release, but only received updates for less than half a month. Version 0.4 spent more than a year in pre-release and received updates for about 4 months.

Published in Syntaxus baccata

Last semester I followed some courses at a different university, and went through the process of collecting login credentials and multi-factor authentication tokens and familiarizing myself with a network of university systems all over again.

Published in Syntaxus baccata

Version 0.5.0 Version 0.5.0 of Citation.js was released on April 1st, 2021. BibTeX and BibLaTeX After the update to the Bib(La)TeX file parser, described in the earlier BibTeX Rework: Syntax Update blog post, the mapping of BibTeX and BibLaTeX data to CSL-JSON was also updated. The mapping is now split in two, one for BibLaTeX (which is backwards-compatible with BibTeX) and one for BibTeX.

Published in Syntaxus baccata

I recently updated the website of Citation.js. This involved getting rid of the Material Design Lite framework, simplifying and refreshing the site design and modernisering some of the code behind it. Additionally, I updated the content of the homepage, and added some functionality to the interface of the blog page and the demo.