Rogue Scholar Posts

CFPCFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author CSTonline

8-10 July 2025 Edge Hill University, St James Campus, Manchester Oxford Road and online It has been 20 years since the conference that inaugurated Critical Studies in Television . Then, we invited scholars to reflect on the state of play regarding the field, allowing us to consider the multiple disciplinary influences, the breadth of its methodological approaches and future directions.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author Enes Akdag

Disclaimer:  This blog post is derived from my master thesis titled “New Aspects of Communal Viewing: Subscription Video-on-Demand Platforms and Watch Parties. For further details, you can visit the link provided by Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center. Although communal viewing is often associated with the moviegoing experience;

CFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author CSTonline

Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia June 27-29, 2025  In the contemporary media landscape, films are remade, television shows rebooted, videogames reimagined in a seemingly endless loop of reproduction. Reproduction, in the form of AI, was also at the heart of recent media industry labor actions.

CFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author CSTonline

We’re delighted to announce our keynotes: Dr Debashree Mukherjee (Columbia University, USA) Dr Kate Terkanian (Bournemouth University, UK) This seventh iteration of the Women’s Film and Television History Network conference will foreground transnational and transmedial approaches to histories of women’s work in and across film, television and related media.

CFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author CSTonline

This is a call for chapters on the following FX Channel documentary and reality TV series: Morgan Spurlock’s 30 Days (2005) , New York Times Presents (2020-2023) , AKA Jane Roe (2020) , Welcome to Wrexham (2022-present) , and The Secrets of Hillsong (2023) for an edited book collection (The FX Reader), which is under a two-volume book contract with Syracuse University Press.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author Kim Akass

I initially started writing this blog on Tuesday (we’ll certainly remember, remember, this 5 th of November).  Currently living in America (although not for much longer – I’m one of the lucky ones) and a TV scholar, I watched the television advertising campaign for the presidential race with equal parts fascination and horror. I am sure that, across the globe, everyone is still reeling from the shock of the results.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author CSTonline

Editors: Bas Agterberg, Lisa Kerrigan, Dana Mustata, Alistair Scott This special issue of VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture explores creative ways in which media scholars, archivists and practitioners can expand on the possibilities that broadcast archives hold for historical knowledge production.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Published in CST Online
Author Melissa Beattie

‘The ghosts of the Confederacy will not die.’- Colonel Anderson (Kurt Smallwood); 1.1   One of the hallmarks of Western films—here meant in the sense of ‘Spaghetti’ rather than ‘the West’ —is the idea of the cowboy/gunslinger riding off into the sunset, either alone or possibly with one or more of his fellows.