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In the 1970s Anglo-American feminist scholars in a variety of disciplines began to explore the problematic representations of women in Hollywood cinema, issues and concerns over female spectatorship, as well as the history of women’s cinema in Hollywood and beyond.

Author CSTonline

This year marks the thirtieth instalment of the Visible Evidence Conference, the preeminent event for the global network dedicated to the study of documentary and nonfiction media culture. The conference has evolved into an international event, with editions held in locales such as New Delhi, Lancaster, New York, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Stockholm, Udine, and Gdansk.

Author CSTonline

Call for papers website : In 1988, on 15 March, a day synonymous with national independence and democracy, over 10,000 Hungarians chanted Sándor Petőfi’s infamous poetic cry – ‘no more shall we be slaves’ – as they formed the largest anti-Government demonstration since the 1956 Revolution.

Author CSTonline

Since the mid-nineties researchers have developed a monumental theory of information and communication technologies, within the conceptual framework of the network society – an ideal type transcending economic, cultural and political changes that took place in the 20th Century. Communication networks enabled by the internet are rapidly expanding along various codes and values.

Author CSTonline

An international conference organized by the Speculative Texts and Media Research Group, American Studies Center, University of Warsaw December 5-7, 2019 American Studies Center, University of Warsaw, Poland For most of its history, or at least since the late 19th century, the core conversations of science fiction (SF) have not been kind to the senses.

Author CSTonline

Keynote Speakers Christopher Breward, National Galleries of Scotland Pamela Church Gibson, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts Shaun Cole, Winchester School of Art, University of Southhampton Andrew Reilly, University of Hawaii Convenor Vicki Karaminas, Massey University, New Zealand

Author CSTonline

16-17 December 2019, Centre for Life-Writing Research, King’s College London, UK Convenors: Julia Lajta-Novak (Vienna) and Caitríona Ní Dhúill (Durham) Web: How do the lives of historical women become the raw material of novelists and filmmakers?

Author CSTonline

Call for Papers *Sound Collectives: The Acoustics of the Social in American Film and Literature * An International Conference, Dec. 7-8, 2018, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt Sound positions individuals as social subjects. The presence of human beings, animals, objects, or technologies reverberates into the material and virtual spaces we inhabit and produces distinct soundscapes that render social practices audible.

Author CSTonline

CALL FOR PAPERS: What’s (the) News? Values, Viruses and Vectors of Newsworthiness 13-14 December 2018   Third biennial conference of the Brussels Institute for Journalism Studies (BIJU) Department of Applied Linguistics / Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium   Deadline for proposals: 30 JUNE 2018 Contact: