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DataCite Blog - DataCite

DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
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Global Access ProgramGuest Blog PostMembersComputer and Information
Authors Fadoua El Maguiri, Mohamad Mostafa

حالات استخدام DataCite حول العالم: مرحبًا بك في سلسلة المدونات الخاصة بنا التي تسلط الضوء على كيفية قيام المؤسسات البحثية بدمج واعتماد البنية التحتية لـ DataCite في أنظمتها وسير العمل. انضم إلينا ونحن نستكشف الأمثلة الواقعية وأفضل الممارسات وتأثير مجتمع DataCite. فدوى الماكري هي رئيسة المعهد المغربي للمعلومات العلمية والتقنية (IMIST)، وهو كيان تابع للمركز الوطني للبحث العلمي والتقني (CNRST) في المغرب.

Global Access ProgramGuest Blog PostMembersComputer and Information SciencesFrench
Authors Fadoua El Maguiri, Mohamad Mostafa

Cas d’utilisation de DataCite dans le monde: Bienvenue dans notre série de blogs qui met en lumière comment les institutions de recherche intègrent l’infrastructure de DataCite dans leurs systèmes et flux de travail.

Guest Blog PostComputer and Information Sciences
Authors Mohamad Mostafa, Yuyun Ishak

DataCite use cases around the world: Welcome to our blog series shining a spotlight on how research institutions integrate DataCite infrastructure into their systems and workflows. Join us as we explore real-world examples, best practices, and the impact of the DataCite community. Yuyun Ishak leads the Institutional Repositories Team in Nanyang Technological University Library.

StrategyComputer and Information Sciences
Author Matt Buys

In the dynamic landscape of organizational growth and innovation, progress isn’t just about moving forward—it’s about navigating through our distinct strategic pillars that uphold the foundation of our journey at DataCite. As we continue on our reflective journey through our achievements and aspirations, let’s review the progress made across each pillar.

RAiDComputer and Information Sciences
Authors DataCite, Australian Research Data Commons

DataCite and ARDC are pleased to announce a strategic partnership to deliver RAiD, a service and system to identify and track research projects and activities. The DataCite–ARDC partnership is a pivotal step in providing a fast, robust, high quality, and reliable RAiD service for researchers that will be sustained over the long term. DataCite is a community-led organisation with a vision to connect research and advance knowledge.

MetadataMetadata SchemaComputer and Information Sciences

The DataCite Metadata Working Group has been working on the next batch of Metadata Schema changes—and we need your feedback! Today, we are sharing a new Request for Comments (RFC) with several proposed changes to the DataCite Metadata Schema. Since Schema 4.5 was finalized, we have been working on numerous ideas put forward by the DataCite community—some of which are reflected in this RFC.

MetadataProductComputer and Information Sciences

Today, we are releasing DataCite’s first public data file with metadata for over 52 million DOIs.  DataCite DOI metadata has always been openly available. In line with our commitment to the POSI principles, we make all metadata registered with DataCite part of the public domain through a CC0 copyright waiver.