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100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesLiteratureEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

Allegro Energy When one door redox flow battery startup closes [1], another one opens: with zinc-bromine flow battery company Redflow having closed down within the past year, another Australian RFB startup emerges [2]; [3]. I am attempting the 100 Days To Offload challenge, and this is post #20. References [1] Redflow was the great hope of australian manufacturing. Its collapse left customers with broken batteries, (n.d.).

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesResearchLiteratureEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

I added Flux XII, a US aqueous organic RFB company, R-Flo, a Ukrainian all-iron flow battery company, and Unbound Potential, a Swiss membraneless RFB startup, to the list.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesResearchEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

I remotely attended the “Annual UK Flow Battery Network Symposium” organized by Profs Toghill and Sobrido of Lancaster Uni and QMUL, respectively.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesResearchEngineering and Technology
Authors Kirk Pollard Smith, Andrew A. Wang

What is this, two blogposts in one day? My buddy Andrew Wang and I compiled this list of flow battery and related companies over the last few years, now making it public in the hopes of potentially integrating it with FBRC one day. I will try to keep this updated as other companies emerge and existing ones go out of business, new suppliers show up, etc. It’s just a csv.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesPersonalResearchEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

Snapshot The entire world if I had abundant research funding: My reality, getting rejected on grant apps and falling on icy parking lots in St. Louis: Finished my postdoc I’ve just finished a two-year postdoctoral appointment at a French national laboratory, where I embedded myself as an engineer among true chemists.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesResearchEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

I sip slowly from the information firehose that is my cornucopia of industry newsletters, RSS feeds, and Google Scholar updates on new publications in the flow battery landscape. There’s not enough time to give everything a proper read, and often if I see something useful I just file it away in Zotero for it to collect digital dust.

Flow BatteriesResearch100 Days To OffloadEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

Edit: This blog post has received a lot of traffic thanks to a Hacker News post. For the latest updates on this project, please check out , where we have a roadmap, FAQ, forum, etc . My collaborator Daniel shared an update on his blog about our the progress of our open-source flow battery kit, so I thought I’d do the same.

Flow Batteries100 Days To OffloadResearchEngineering and Technology
Author Kirk Pollard Smith

Towards the end of 2022 I drafted this, consider it a work in progress - it was before I had joined forces with Daniel to form the Flow Battery Research Collective Motivation for an open-source flow battery This project aims to develop an open-source flow battery design suitable for mid-scale manufacturing by a well-equipped hackerspace or conventional machine shop.