I often find it hard to do everything I want to do. Sometimes what I want to do is what I am supposed to be doing, other times what I want to do is work that goes beyond my current job description.
I often find it hard to do everything I want to do. Sometimes what I want to do is what I am supposed to be doing, other times what I want to do is work that goes beyond my current job description.
{.wp-image-2397 .size-medium aria-describedby=“caption-attachment-2397” attachment-id=“2397” permalink=“http://ernestopriego.com/2014/04/30/new-publication-comics-unmasked-a-conversation-with-adrian-edwards-the-british-library/poster-orig/” orig-file=“https://epriego.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/poster-orig.jpg” orig-size=“347,500” comments-opened=“0”
{.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-2388 attachment-id=“2388” permalink=“http://ernestopriego.com/2014/04/28/a-hastac2014-conference-tweets-archive/screen-shot-2014-04-28-at-08-39-40/” orig-file=“https://epriego.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/screen-shot-2014-04-28-at-08-39-40.png” orig-size=“581,112” comments-opened=“0”
Update: Research Information published an article based on my UKSG presentation below. Read it here. T he UKSG 2014 Annual Conference and Exhibition took place from 14-16 April at the Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, United Kingdom. Originally, UKSG stood for the United Kingdom Serials Group.
{.wp-image-2363 .size-medium aria-describedby=“caption-2363” attachment-id=“2363” permalink=“http://ernestopriego.com/2014/04/11/libpub-session-10-libraries-publishing-the-future/tumblr_n3toffq4sw1sjzy3lo1_1280/” orig-file=“https://epriego.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/tumblr_n3toffq4sw1sjzy3lo1_1280.jpg” orig-size=“972,468” comments-opened=“0”
{.wp-image-2356 .size-full aria-describedby=“caption-2356” attachment-id=“2356” permalink=“http://ernestopriego.com/2014/04/04/libpub-session-9-researcher-led-open-access-publishing-reference-management/tumblr_n3esblv06y1sjzy3lo1_400/” orig-file=“https://epriego.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/tumblr_n3esblv06y1sjzy3lo1_400.jpg” orig-size=“396,156” comments-opened=“0”
Image from ‘Fair Diana. By “Wanderer” … With illustrations by G. Bowers. [A novel.]’, 003846960 via the Mechanical Curator, British Library S ession eight already! Today we will again offer two professional points of view on the relationships between libraries and publishers.
{.wp-image-2340 aria-describedby=“caption-attachment-2340” attachment-id=“2340” permalink=“http://ernestopriego.com/2014/03/21/today-libpub-session-7-learned-societies-and-libraries-as-publishers/11140554773_d61b61fd51_b/” orig-file=“https://epriego.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/11140554773_d61b61fd51_b.jpg” orig-size=“830,886” comments-opened=“0”
**“**In an attempt to make the debate around the costs of open access publishing more evidence based”, the Readme file (14th March 2013) signed by Robert Kiley says, the Wellcome Trust released into the public domain a dataset including details of its open access spend in 2012-2013, “as reported by UK institutions and the Trust’s Major Overseas Programmes in receipt of an OA block grant”. As I wrote yesterday, Cameron Neylon subsequently
[Updated. I replaced the spreadsheet on figshare twice as a couple of publisher names had to be corrected. This left a version with 101 unique publisher names –note that some might still be subsumable to other publisher names in the set. I have also corrected the first bar chart and added another one two on this post. Please bear in mind there might still be errors in the source data.