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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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Ok, so it could really be Wordpress for anybody, but here's the Prezi that I made for a true step-by-step, from the very beginning guide to setting up a new Wordpress-based website. We also covered the beginnings of the information you'd need to customize the site and the benefits of self-hosting. The Prezi is probably only really of use for those who want a basic guide to setting up a new blog.


Following a conversation (well, a complaint and a suggestion) with @ernestopriego on Twitter, the following came to light (and is certainly something I've experienced): DOI numbers are assigned by a central organization called CrossRef. For most quantitive metric computations on academic journal articles, you must assign a DOI. Membership of CrossRef (for a publisher with less than $1m profit(!)) costs $275/year.


Friday, 27th January 2012: 4pm. 2 years and four months into my efforts. The first draft of my Ph.D is now done! I have 81,000 words excluding introduction and conclusion, so some cutting needs to be done. Editing this is going to take at least a couple of months (some parts need beefing up, others paring down), by my estimates, but my last AHRC funding installment arrives in June, so I'm feeling confident.


A guest comment alerted me to the fact that I had missed an entry from my Aesthetic Theory lexicon! αρχαί = origin "In those studies devoted to the aesthetic αρχαί, positivistic sampling of material and such speculation as is otherwise disdained by the sciences flourish wildly alongside each other" (Adorno, Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory. Edited by Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann. Translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor. London: Continuum, 2004. p.


2012 has been designated the year of IPv6 launch and, to do my part, I have tweaked my infrastructure to ensure full, and future-guaranteed, IPv6 connectivity. The following domains now support connections via IPv6: DNS may still be propogating, but all should be 100% within 48 hours.


I will be running, on the 31st January, a workshop for Sussex researchers on protecting their assets; aka. backing up their work. After the first year of my Ph.D I had a nasty scare when my laptop was stolen on my journey home (I had a migraine, effectively passed out and didn't notice someone simply take my bag from beneath me on the train). This could have been dire. Fortunately, though, I take backup and encryption very seriously.