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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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When checking out my Google Scholar profile today, I noticed that, if a blog post is cited, it will be counted as an article by Google Scholar. This is interesting for several perhaps conflicting reasons: These items are (often) not digitally preserved and have unstable URLs These items are not peer reviewed (does this matter?


Eve, Martin Paul, ‘Pynchon and Wittgenstein: Ethics, Relativism and Philosophical Methodology’, in Profils Américains: Thomas Pynchon , ed. by Gilles Chamerois and Bénédicte Fryd (Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2014), pp. 81–104 You can buy a copy of the book from the press's website or download a non-paginated/typeset version of the accepted manuscript from this site and (shortly) from the Lincoln repository.


Eve, Martin Paul. 2014. "The Means of (Re-)Production: Expertise, Open Tools, Standards and Communication." Publications 2, no. 1: 38-43. You can download this gold open access article, from the journal, from this site, at and (shortly) from the University of Lincoln repository.


An evaluation of the experience of publishing in the only current humanities mega-journal. The short version: it was good! Your mileage may vary as they have different editors for difference pieces but mine was efficient and tough but fair. The review process was rigorous. My editorial process was coordinated by Lucy Ferris who teaches a course on Cloud Atlas (on which my article focused) at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut.


Eve, Martin Paul. 2014. ‘“some Kind of Thing It Aint Us but yet Its in Us”’. SAGE Open 4 (1). doi:10.1177/2158244014521636. You can either download the article directly from SAGE, download a copy from this site, or grab the version from the University of Lincoln repository. All the versions should be the same as this is a Gold open access article.


As is now fairly common knowledge, HEFCE expects green deposit on all journal articles to be included in REF2020. EDIT: just to clarify: HEFCE has not finalised its position. This is my expected outcome. The deposit must be made upon article acceptance and not later. In the case of embargoes, this should be set in the software. However, I then wondered how we can determine what the embargo period should be.


This afternoon, after an intense day of writing, I decided that I was finally fed up with maintaining so many different copies of my publication record. I have my institutional repository, my OpenOffice CV document, my profile and, of course, the version on my own site. I decided to do something about this. Allow me to introduce eprintsCV!