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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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Languages and Literature

A guest piece over at the Guardian Higher Education section: Secondary schools are not adequately preparing students for higher education Featured image by ChrisM70 under a CC-BY-NC-ND license. P.S. I've just noticed that the version on the Guardian is far more businesslike and brusque in tone.

Languages and Literature

This is a brief, and perhaps pedantic, post to bring attention to an essay of extreme prominence in Pynchon studies, Anne Mangel, "Maxwell's Demon, Entropy, Information: The Crying of Lot 49", Triquarterly 20 (1971): 194-208. (Future reference will be to the reprinted version Mangel, Anne.

Languages and Literature

This short piece provides the cumulative textual evidence that Pynchon consulted a single source, Golder, F.A., 1915. "The Russian Fleet and the Civil War". The American Historical Review, 20(4), pp.801-812, to construct the historicity of the Peter Pinguid Society episode in The Crying of Lot 49 , as opposed to consulting the original Arkhiv Morskogo Ministerstva, Dielo Kantseliarii Morskogo Ministerstva, no. 91, pt. III., pp. 102, 103.

Languages and Literature

Of the worthy causes you'll see in the world, War Child is surely high up that list. For the uniformed: Well, now you have a chance to support this cause and to also see the musical genius that is Leftfield live while doing so. Leftfield have been, for over ten years now, the defining music in my life. In the early nineties they fused dub and house music to craft, alongside The Chemical Brothers and Orbital, the musical shape of the decade.

Languages and Literature

Horkheimer, Max, and Theodor W. Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment . Edited by Gunzelin Schmid Noerr. Translated by Edmund Jephcott. 1st ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002 (first print: 1944). (p. 30) Featured image by ChrisM70 under a CC-BY-NC-ND license. Dialectic of Enlightenment, 2011 was originally published by Martin Paul Eve at Martin Paul Eve on December 02, 2011.

Languages and Literature

Update : Due to my university teaching timetable changing, unfortunately the Wordpress workshops have been postponed. I'll update this post as and when new times are available. A quick promotional post for two upcoming workshops that I am running at the University of Sussex. Book fast, places going already! All workshops can be booked online and are free of charge to Sussex students.

Languages and Literature

A long time ago, in a different life, I produced a fully functional Intrusion Detection System for web projects developed in C# and/or VB.NET using the .NET Framework. The project was called .NETIDS and was a port of PHPIDS. It feature(s/d) individual page scanning, loading as a web module (callback via reflection to specified code in web.config) and the unfeasibly resource-intensive output scanning.

Languages and Literature

A quick post to point out that I've written a concise synopsis of Google Scholar over at the Sussex Doctoral School blog. Enjoy! Featured image by alles-schlumpf under a CC-BY-NC-SA license. Guest post on Google Scholar Citations was originally published by Martin Paul Eve at Martin Paul Eve on November 18, 2011.