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Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Stephen Turner

R evangelist David Smith, marketing VP at Revolution R, will be giving a webinar showing off some of the finer features of Revolution R Enterprise - an integrated development environment (IDE) for R that has an enhanced script editor with syntax highlighting, function completion, suntax checking, mouseover help, R code snippets for common tasks, an object browser, a real debugger, and more. Revolution R Enterprise is free for academics.

Author Stephen Turner

I was recently reading a bit about logistic regression in Gelman and Hill's book on hierarchical/multilevel modeling when I first learned about the "divide by 4 rule" for quickly interpreting coefficients in a logistic regression model in terms of the predicted probabilities of the outcome. The idea is pretty simple.

Author Stephen Turner

While preparing for my upcoming defense, I found a cool little web app called pubmed2wordle that turns a pubmed query into a word cloud using text from the titles and abstracts returned by the query. Here are the results for a pubmed query for me ("turner sd AND vanderbilt"): And quite different results for where I'm planning to do my postdoc: Looks useful to quickly get a sense of what other people work on.

Author Unknown

On Friday, December 3rd, at 8:00 AM, after copious amounts of coffee, my friend, colleague, and perpetual workout buddy Stephen Turner will defend his thesis. Join us in room 206 of the Preston Research Building at Vanderbilt Medical Center for the auspicious occasion!Getting Genetics Done by Stephen Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

Author Stephen Turner

Designer Jesse Dee has an entertaining presentation on Slideshare about how to use Powerpoint effectively (although Edward Tufte may assert that such a thing is impossible). These are all things we probably know, but just don't take into consideration enough when we're giving a presentation. According to Dee, the number one most common mistake is lack of preparation.

Author Stephen Turner

I'm working on imputing GWAS data to the 1000 Genomes Project data using MaCH. For the model estimation phase you only need ~200 individuals. Here's a one-line unix command that will pull out 200 samples at random from a binary pedigree .fam file called myfamfile.fam: for i in `cut -d ' ' -f 1-2  myfamfile.fam | sed s/\ /,/g`; do echo "$RANDOM $i"; done | sort |

Author Stephen Turner

As I mentioned in my recap of the ASHG 1000 genomes tutorial, I'm doing to be imputing some of my own data to 1000 genomes, and I'll try to post lessons learned along the way here under the 1000 genomes and imputation tags. I'm starting from a binary pedigree format file (plink's bed/bim/fam format) and the first thing in the 1000 genomes imputation cookbook is to store your data in Merlin format, one per chromosome.