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Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Unknown

For over 15 years, members of the computer science, machine learning, and data mining communities have gathered in a beautiful European location each spring to share ideas about biologically-inspired computation.  Stemming from the work of John Holland who pioneered the field of genetic algorithms, multiple approaches have been developed that exploit the dynamics of natural systems to solve computational problems.

Author Unknown

In general, the standard practice for correcting for population stratification in genetic studies is to use principal components analysis (PCA) to categorize samples along different ethnic axes .  Price et al. published on this in 2006, and since then PCA plots are a common component of many published GWAS studies.

Author Stephen Turner

The authors here invited ACM KDD Innovation Award and IEEE ICDM Research Contributions Award winners to each nominate up to 10 best-known algorithms in data mining, including the algorithm name, justification for nomination, and a representative publication reference. The list was voted on by other IEEE and ACM award winners to narrow this down to a top 10 list.

Author Stephen Turner

Revolutions blog recently posted a link to R code by Joshua Reich with self-contained examples of using machine learning techniques in R, including various clustering methods (k-means, nearest neighbor, and kernel), recursive partitioning (CART), principle components analysis, linear discriminant analysis, and support vector machines.  This post also links to some slides that go over the basics of machine learning.