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Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Stephen Turner

A while back I showed you how to make volcano plots in base R for visualizing gene expression results. This is just one of many genome-scale plots where you might want to show all individual results but highlight or call out important results by labeling them, for example, with a gene name. But if you want to annotate lots of points, the annotations usually get so crowded that they overlap one another and become illegible.

Author Stephen Turner

Joanna Zhao’s and Jenny Bryan’s R graph catalog is meant to be a complement to the physical book, Creating More Effective Graphs, but it’s a really nice gallery in its own right. The catalog shows a series of different data visualizations, all made with R and ggplot2. Click on any of the plots and you get the R code necessary to generate the data and produce the plot.

Author Stephen Turner

The 20th annual ISMB meeting was held over the last week in Long Beach, CA. It was an incredible meeting with lots of interesting and relevant talks, and lots of folks were tweeting the conference, usually with at least a few people in each concurrent session. I wrote the code below that uses the twitteR package to pull all the tweets about the meeting under the #ISMB hashtag. You can download that raw data here.

Author Stephen Turner

Abhijit over at Stat Bandit posted some nice code for making forest plots using ggplot2 in R. You see these lots of times in meta-analyses, or as seen in the BioVU demonstration paper. The idea is simple - on the x-axis you have the odds ratio (or whatever stat you want to show), and each line is a different study, gene, SNP, phenotype, etc.

Author Stephen Turner

Last Year I introduced you to R Commander, a nice graphical user interface (GUI) for R for those of you who are still hesitant to leave the clicky-box style research a la SPSS for the far more superior reproducible research using R. As most of you know I'm a huge fan of ggplot2. Many of you came to the short course Hadley Wickham gave here a few weeks ago on ggplot2 and plyr.

Author Stephen Turner

Hadley Wickham, creator of ggplot2, an immensely popular framework for Tufte-friendly data visualization using R, is teaching two short courses at Vanderbilt this week. Once we opened registration to Vanderbilt students and staff we instantly filled all the available seats, so unfortunately I wasn't able to announce the course here. But the good news is that Hadley's made all the data, code, and slides from the course available online here.