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Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Stephen Turner

The first ever RStudio conference was held January 11-14, 2017 in Orlando, FL. For anyone else like me who spends hours each working day staring into an RStudio session, the conference was truly excellent . The speaker lineup was diverse and covered lots of areas related to development in R, including the tidyverse, the RStudio IDE, Shiny, htmlwidgets, and authoring with RMarkdown.

Author Stephen Turner

How many reads do I need? What's my sequencing depth? These are common questions I get all the time. Calculating how much sequence data you need to hit a target depth of coverage, or the inverse, what's the coverage depth given a set amount of sequencing, are both easy to answer with some basic algebra. Given one or the other, plus the genome size and read length/configuration, you can calculate either.

Author Stephen Turner

This is a guest post from VP Nagraj, a data scientist embedded within UVA’s Health Sciences Library, who runs our Data Analysis Support Hub (DASH) service. Last weekend I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the first ever Shiny Developer Conference hosted by RStudio at Stanford University. I’ve built a handful of apps, and have taught an introductory workshop on Shiny.

Author Stephen Turner

A while back I showed you how to make volcano plots in base R for visualizing gene expression results. This is just one of many genome-scale plots where you might want to show all individual results but highlight or call out important results by labeling them, for example, with a gene name. But if you want to annotate lots of points, the annotations usually get so crowded that they overlap one another and become illegible.

Author Stephen Turner

This is a guest post from VP Nagraj, a data scientist embedded within UVA’s Health Sciences Library, who runs our Data Analysis Support Hub (DASH) service. The What GRUPO (Gauging Research University Publication Output) is a Shiny app that provides side-by-side benchmarking of American research university publication activity.

Author Stephen Turner

I work with gene lists on a nearly daily basis. Lists of genes near ChIP-seq peaks, lists of genes closest to a GWAS hit, lists of differentially expressed genes or transcripts from an RNA-seq experiment, lists of genes involved in certain pathways, etc. And lots of times I’ll need to convert these gene IDs from one identifier to another. There’s no shortage of tools to do this. I use Ensembl Biomart.

Author Stephen Turner

I just returned from the Genome Informatics meeting at Cold Spring Harbor. This was, hands down, the best scientific conference I've been to in years. The quality of the talks and posters was excellent, and it was great meeting in person many of the scientists and developers whose tools and software I use on a daily basis.