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Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Unknown

I have used this chunk of code on numerous occasions to plot GWAS data, so I thought I'd share!The variables needed are a log p-value (or some other statistic) and the absolute genomic position of each SNP (distance from the beginning of chromosome 1). If you need the offsets to compute this absolute position, they are listed in MB in the xline(---) portion of the plot.

Author Stephen Turner

One of the nicer things about many statistics packages is the extremely granular control you get over your graphical output.  But I lack the patience to set dozens of command line flags in R, and I'd rather not power the computer by pumping the mouse trying to set all the clicky-box options in Stata's graphics editor.  I want something that just looks nice, using the out-of-the-box defaults.

Author Stephen Turner

The estout package for Stata is useful for quickly creating nicely formatted tables from a regression analysis for tables or papers. To install it, fire up Stata and type in this command:ssc install estout, replaceStata will automatically download and install the package. Run the regression as you normally would, then use the esttab command (part of the estout package) to create a table using those results.