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Author Stephen Turner

Revolutions blog recently posted a link to R code by Joshua Reich with self-contained examples of using machine learning techniques in R, including various clustering methods (k-means, nearest neighbor, and kernel), recursive partitioning (CART), principle components analysis, linear discriminant analysis, and support vector machines.  This post also links to some slides that go over the basics of machine learning.

Author Stephen Turner

I wish I would have discovered this long ago.  Loading data into R or MySQL requires you to specify the full path to the file.  If you do this on a Windows machine there are two annoyances.  First, if you save something to your desktop the path to your desktop is really long.  Second, windows by default uses backslashes "\" in the file path, while R or other software requires forward slashes "/".

Author Unknown

It took me a while to figure this out, so I thought I'd share. I have a dataframe with millions of observations in it, and I want to estimate a density distribution, which is a memory intensive process. Running my kde2d function on the full dataframe throws and error -- R tries to allocate a vector that is gigabytes in size. A reasonable alternative is to run the function on a smaller subset of the data.

Author Stephen Turner

As far as I know there are 3 different systems for producing figures in R: (1) base graphics, included with R, (2) the lattice package, and (3) ggplot2, one of the newer plotting systems which is, according to the creator Hadley Wickham, "based on the grammar of graphics, which tries to take the good parts of base and lattice graphics and none of the bad parts.

Author Stephen Turner

Writing from the previously mentioned intro to R course at the Kennedy Center. If you couldn't make it you can download all the course materials from Theresa Scott's website, under the "Current Teaching Material" heading. Here is a direct link to the PDF for the overview materials that we're going over today, along with the R code from the examples in this guide.