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Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Stephen Turner

Designer Jesse Dee has an entertaining presentation on Slideshare about how to use Powerpoint effectively (although Edward Tufte may assert that such a thing is impossible). These are all things we probably know, but just don't take into consideration enough when we're giving a presentation. According to Dee, the number one most common mistake is lack of preparation.

Author Stephen Turner

Hadley Wickham, creator of ggplot2, an immensely popular framework for Tufte-friendly data visualization using R, is teaching two short courses at Vanderbilt this week. Once we opened registration to Vanderbilt students and staff we instantly filled all the available seats, so unfortunately I wasn't able to announce the course here. But the good news is that Hadley's made all the data, code, and slides from the course available online here.

Author Stephen Turner

Previously mentioned LocusZoom has undergone some major updates over the last few months. Many of the bugs mentioned in my previous post are now fixed, and now there's a good bit of documentation available. There are also a few new features, including the ability to add an extra column to your results file to change the plotting symbol to reflect your own custom annotation (i.e. whether the SNP was imputed or genotyped, or the SNP's function).

Author Stephen Turner

*** Update April 25, 2011: This code has gone through a major revision. Please see the updated code and tutorial here. *** A few months ago I showed you in this post how to use some code I wrote to produce manhattan plots in R using ggplot2. The qqman() function I described in the previous post actually calls another function, manhattan(), which has a few options you can set.

Author Stephen Turner

In a previous tutorial I showed you how to create plots faceted by the level of a third variable using ggplot2. A commenter asked about using faceted plots and viewports and reminded me of this function I found in the ggplot2 Google group. The arrange function below is similar to using par(mfrow=c(r,c)) in base graphics to put more than one plot in the same image window.