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Author Stephen Turner

"The hunt for the genetic roots of common diseases has hit a blank wall." ...quoting the first sentence in Nicholas Wade's New York Times article reviewing this PLoS Biology research paper by David Goldstein and his colleagues at Duke University. Also be sure to see Richard Robinson's synopsis of this paper, both published this week in PLoS Bio.

Author Unknown

I have used this chunk of code on numerous occasions to plot GWAS data, so I thought I'd share!The variables needed are a log p-value (or some other statistic) and the absolute genomic position of each SNP (distance from the beginning of chromosome 1). If you need the offsets to compute this absolute position, they are listed in MB in the xline(---) portion of the plot.

Author Stephen Turner

Way back will wrote on this topic.  See his previous post for Stata code for doing this.  Unfortunately the R package that was used to create QQ-plots here has been removed from CRAN, so I wrote my own using ggplot2 and some code I received from Daniel Shriner at NHGRI. Of course you can use R's built-in qqplot() function, but I could never figure out a way to add the diagonal using base graphics.

Author Stephen Turner

GWAS reviews are a dime a dozen these days, but I found this one in particular that's a good up-to-date review suitable for people relatively new to the field. While this one has a focus on psychiatric genetics, it has a short summary on topics like positional methods, candidate gene studies, common variation, rare variation, CNVs, GWAS design, and issues concerning power and sample size.