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Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Author Stephen Turner

If you're doing any kind of big data analysis - genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, bioinformatics - then unless you've been on vacation the last few weeks you've no doubt heard about the NSF/NIH BIGDATA  Initiative (here's the NSF solicitation and here's the New York Times article about the funding opportunity). The solicitation "aims to advance core scientific and technological means of managing, analyzing, visualizing, and

Author Stephen Turner

I was reading through a paper on comparative ChIP-Seq when I found this awk gem that lets you get some very basic stats very quickly on next generation sequencing reads. To use, simply cat the fastq file (or gunzip -c) and pipe that to this awk command: cat myfile.fq | awk '((NR-2)%4==0){read=$1;total++;count[read]++}END{for(read in count){if(!max||count[read]>max) {max=count[read];maxRead=read};if(count[read]==1){unique++}};print

Author Stephen Turner

I get asked frequently how to convert from one gene identifier to another. This can be tricky, especially when relying on gene symbols, as Will pointed out in a previous post a few years ago. There are several tools that can do this, including DAVID and the previously mentioned new Biomart ID Converter, but I still prefer using the Ensembl Biomart for this because of its added flexibility and annotation.

Author Stephen Turner

I get a lot of requests in the core about running a "pathway analysis." Someone ran a handful of gene expression arrays, or better yet, ran an RNA-seq experiment (with replicates!). These, and many other kinds of high-throughput assays (GWAS, ChIP-seq, etc.) result in a list of genes and some associated p-value, fold change, or other statistic. Here's some R code to download public data from a study on susceptibility to colorectal cancer.

Author Stephen Turner

I direct the Bioinformatics Core at the University of Virginia, and I'm hiring. Visit this link on the UVA Jobs website for more information. Here's the description: I'm Hiring - Bioinformatics Analyst in the UVA Bioinformatics CoreGetting Genetics Done by Stephen Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

Author Stephen Turner

Lately I've been using the limma package often for analyzing microarray data. When I read in Affy CEL files using ReadAffy(), the resulting ExpressionSet won't contain any featureData annotation. Consequentially, when I run topTable to get a list of differentially expressed genes, there's no annotation information other than the Affymetrix probeset IDs or transcript cluster IDs.