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Author Stephen Turner

There's a new kid on the block for RNA-seq alignment. Dobin, Alexander, et al. "STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner." Bioinformatics (2012). Aligning RNA-seq data is challenging because reads can overlap splice junctions. Many other RNA-seq alignment algorithms (e.g. Tophat) are built on top of DNA sequence aligners.

Author Stephen Turner

Recently published in Nucleic Acids Research: F. Zambelli, G. M. Prazzoli, G. Pesole, G. Pavesi, Cscan: finding common regulators of a set of genes by using a collection of genome-wide ChIP-seq datasets., Nucleic acids research 40 , W510–5 (2012). Cscan web interface screenshot This paper presents a methodology and software implementation that allows users to discover a set of transcription factors or epigenetic modifications that

Author Stephen Turner

The 20th annual ISMB meeting was held over the last week in Long Beach, CA. It was an incredible meeting with lots of interesting and relevant talks, and lots of folks were tweeting the conference, usually with at least a few people in each concurrent session. I wrote the code below that uses the twitteR package to pull all the tweets about the meeting under the #ISMB hashtag. You can download that raw data here.

Author Stephen Turner

I saw this plot in the supplement of a recent paper comparing microarray results to RNA-seq results. Nothing earth-shattering in the paper - you've probably seen a similar comparison many times before - but I liked how they solved the overplotting problem using heat-colored contour lines to indicate density. I asked how to reproduce this figure using R on Stack Exchange, and my question was quickly answered by Christophe Lalanne.

Author Stephen Turner

I just read an interesting paper on pathogen discovery using next-generation sequencing data, recommended to me by Nick Loman. A previously described algorithm (PathSeq, Kostic et al) for discovering microbes by deep-sequencing human tissue uses computational subtraction, whereby the initial collection of reads is depleted of human DNA by consecutive alignment to the human reference using MAQ and BLAST.

Author Unknown

The ENCODE project continues to generate massive numbers of data points on how genes are regulated.  This data will be of incredible use for understanding the role of genetic variation, both for altering low-level cellular phenotypes (like gene expression or splicing), but also for complex disease phenotypes.  While it is all deposited into the UCSC browser, ENCODE data is not always the easiest to access or manipulate.