Computer and Information SciencesBlogger


Rants, raves (and occasionally considered opinions) on phyloinformatics, taxonomy, and biodiversity informatics. For more ranty and less considered opinions, see my Twitter feed.ISSN 2051-8188. Written content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
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Lately I've been returning to playing with RDF and triple stores. This is a serious case of déjà vu, as two blogs I've now abandoned will testify (bioGUID and SemAnt). Basically, a combination of frustration with the tools, data cleaning, and the lack of identifiers got in the way of making much progress.


Time for more half-baked ideas. There's been a lot of discussion on Twitter about EOL, Linked Data (sometimes abbreviated LOD), and Wikipedia. Pete DeVries (@pjd) is keen on LOD, and has been asking why TDWG isn't playing in this space. I've been muttering dark thoughts about EOL, and singing the praises of Wikipedia. On so it goes on. So, here's one vision of where we could (?should) be going with this.


The problem of displaying large taxonomic classifications on a web page continues to be an on again-off again obsession. My latest experiment makes use of Nicolas Garcia Belmonte's wonderful JavaScript Infovis Toolkit (JIT), which provides implementations of classic visualisations such as treemaps, hyperbolic trees, and SpaceTrees. SpaceTrees were developed at Maryland's HCIL lab, and that lab has applied them to biodiversity informatics.


So, e-Biosphere '09 is over (at least for the plebs like me, the grown ups get to spend two days charting the future of biodiversity informatics). It was an interesting event, on several levels. It's late, and I'm shattered, so this post ill cover only a few things. This was first conference I'd attended where some of the participants twittered during proceedings.


I've put the slides for my e-Biosphere 09 challenge entry on SlideShare. e-Biosphere '09 Challenge View more OpenOffice presentations from rdmpage. Not much information on the other entries yet, except for the eBiosphere Citizen Science Challenge, by Joel Sachs and colleagues, which will demonstrate a "global human sensor net". Their plan is to aggregate observations posted on Flickr, Twitter, Spotter, and email.