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André's slide box
The thoughts and sights of André Lametti — just a pathologist
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Medicine and Health Sciences

Most thyroid fine-needle aspirates fit neatly into one of the 6 categories of the Bethesda classification. But sometimes, cases are not so easy and it is worth thinking outside the boxes! This case was one of the latter. Although the targeted nodule was located in the thyroid gland in a patient with a history of thyroid nodules, something didn’t quite fit.

Medicine and Health Sciences

Although Thoracic SMARCA4-deficient undifferentiated tumour (SD-UT) is a recognized entity in the 5th edition of the WHO classification of thoracic tumors, this alteration occurs in garden-variety lung cancer as well (and in many other tumors too!) In fact, it is likely SD-UT exists on a continuum with SMARCA4 -deficient lung cancer. I recently came across an interesting case that demonstrated this phenomenon.

Medicine and Health Sciences

I collaborated on this study by Dilhan Perera and colleagues, under the direction of Momar Ndao. The article, published in iScience, explores the effects of prior BCG exposure on the effectiveness in mice of an intranasal adenovirus-based vaccine against SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. I was involved in the scoring of lung damage seen in sacrificed mice from the various experimental groups.

Medicine and Health Sciences

The list of tumours with fusions involving the FET ( EWSR1 , FUS ) and CREB ( CREB1 , ATF1 , or CREM ) families of genes is ever-expanding. These are promiscuous genes that drive neoplasia in a wide variety of anatomical sites, often without being recognized as such – but that doesn’t mean tumours with these molecular lesions are always primary to the location where they are found!

Medicine and Health Sciences

I collaborated on this study that Mark Sorin and colleagues published in Cancer Treatment and Research Communications, detailing the molecular profile of a large (n=997) cohort of patients at the McGill University Health Centre, the institution where I am undergoing residency training.

Medicine and Health Sciences

I gave a presentation on Sir William Osler’s presence at McGill in the 21 st century at a symposium organized by McGill’s department of Social Studies of Medicine on February 3, 2021. You can find the recording here. Play In this brief presentation, I address three issues around Osler and his legacy at McGill.

Medicine and Health Sciences

These photomicrographs belong to the adrenal taken at autopsy of an older adult who died in hospital of renal failure and resistant shock. He had been recently diagnosed with AA amyloidosis. The cause of his resistant shock was thought to be due to sepsis, although no organisms were ever detected and he did not respond to antimicrobial therapy.

Medicine and Health Sciences

In 2017, I wrote an essay about a manuscript comment on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates by the 15th-century physcian Ugo Benzi (also known as Hugo of Sienna). This paper, under the direction of Prof. Faith Wallis at McGill University’s Department of History and Classical studies, analyzes the incipit of the manuscript and the insights it provides on Ugo’s conception of medicine and the role of the physician.