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Better sit thus, and observe thy strange things
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Author Tillmann Dönicke

Am 5. und 6. Dezember fand der „22. International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories” statt, auf welchem auch das SUB-Kooperationsprojekt „Edition des Ugaritischen Poetischen Textkorpus” (EUPT) vorgestellt wurde. Doch was sind „Treebanks” (z. Dt. „Baumbanken”) überhaupt und welchen Nutzen haben sie für die Forschung und Entwicklung?


Dealing with Rancher Snapshots A bare kubernetes cluster managed with rancher is hosted and provided by our computing center (GWDG). They offer great support when we have to scale the nodes, but after all some parts of the maintenance is our business. Setting the kubernetes version from a provided list or managing ingress controller or certbot are those tasks.

Authors Michelle Weidling, Mathias Göbel

A few years ago an internal initiative on software quality launched at the Research and Development Department. There is always room for improvements and some guidance can help implement best practices for better workflows and for better code. The very first stop on our ride was at Joel`s Test for better code, published 24 years ago. It is time for a review — again. Do you use source control? Who doesn’t? Can you make a build in one step?

Author Kay Liewald

Heute soll es um die Werte in Scrum gehen. Ich glaube, dass gelebte Werte in der Teamarbeit eine absolute Grundvoraussetzung für ein High Performing Team sind. Zum Einstieg möchte ich mit ein paar kurzen einleitenden Worten zu den Scrum Werten beginnen. Wenn euch das neugierig macht, solltet ihr unbedingt den kurzen Methoden-Montag Podcast dazu anhören!

Author Kay Liewald

In dem Podcast „Code for thought“ erzählen Kristine Schima-Voigt und Kay Liewald über unsere Erfahrungen mit agilen Methoden in der Gruppe Software- und Serviceentwicklung an der SUB Göttingen. Peter von „Code for thought“ wurde auf der „Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany“, kurz deRSE, auf uns aufmerksam.

Author Jörg Panzer

Conducting debug sessions In our teams, we have repeatedly conducted debug sessions to help team members get started with the development. An entry point is pointed out and the control and data flow is followed together. At important code points breakpoints are set and the state (variable values) is inspected. The whole thing can be recorded as a video cast, e.g. with BBB and is available for recapitulation or for others.


Using a dependency proxy with npm, yarn or pnpm in CI or local development can greatly reduce outgoing traffic. Fortunately, FE now maintains an instance of such service. Verdaccio – not only a classical underpainting technique The project maintains a current Helm chart that made its deployment into a Kubernetes cluster work like a charm.