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Reda Sadki

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Global HealthHuman Resources For HealthLocally-led ActionMalariaTeach To ReachEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

English version | Version française Today, on World Malaria Day, the Geneva Learning Foundation is proud to stand with health workers on the frontlines of the fight against this deadly disease. Malaria remains a critical global health challenge, disproportionately affecting communities in Africa and Asia.

Global HealthChris De BodeIA2030Immunization Agenda 2030The Geneva Learning FoundationEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

English version | Version française This is the preface of the new publication The many faces of immunization . Learn more… Download the collection… Every day, thousands of health workers, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, get up and go to work with a single goal in mind ­ to ensure that vaccines reach those who need them.

Global HealthCharlotte MbuhClimate ChangeDeveloping CountriesExpert Centre Of Climate Change And HealthEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

Today, the Geneva Learning Foundation’s Charlotte Mbuh delivered a scientific presentation titled “On the frontline of climate change and health: A health worker eyewitness report” at the University of Hamburg’s Online Expert Seminar on Climate Change and Health: Perspectives from Developing Countries.

Global HealthChris De BodeClimate ChangeHealthVisual StorytellingEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

On March 18, 2024, the Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) hosted a workshop bringing together 553 health workers from 55 countries with TGLF’s First Fellow of Photography and award-winning photographer Chris de Bode. Watch the workshop in English and in French. Poor connectivity? Get the audio-only podcast.

Global HealthChris ArgyrisDouble-loop LearningHealth Systems ResearchKaren E. WatkinsEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

Read this first : What is double-loop learning in global health? Learning culture is a critical concept missing from health systems research. It provides a practical and actionable framework to operationalize the notion of ‘learning health systems’ and drive transformative change. Watkins and Marsick describe learning culture as the capacity for change.

Global HealthChris ArgyrisDouble-loop LearningHealth Systems ResearchKabir SheikhEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

Argyris (1976) defines double-loop learning as occurring “when errors are corrected by changing the governing values and then the actions.” He contrasts this with single-loop learning, where “errors are corrected without altering the underlying governing values.” Double-loop learning involves questioning “not only the objective facts but also the reasons and motives behind those facts”. It requires becoming aware of one’s own “theories-in-use” –

Global HealthCathal DoyleCivil Society OrganizationsDecolonizationEduardo J. GómezEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

This summary analyzes two important articles examining the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in global health: “Civil society organisations and global health initiatives: Problems of legitimacy” by Doyle and Patel (2008), and “Civil society in global health policymaking: a critical review” by Gómez (2018). While both articles challenge dominant assumptions about CSOs in global health, Doyle and Patel focus more on issues of legitimacy,

EventsGlobal HealthChris De BodeClimate Change And HealthVaccinesWorkEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

Do you work for health? Your are invited to a visual storytelling workshop with health care workers from 44 countries. The Geneva Learning Foundation’s first Fellow of Photography, Chris de Bode, will lead this workshop. 544 health care workers from 44 countries have already confirmed their participation. 80% of participants are sub-national staff working in fragile contexts. Most work for their country’s ministry of health.

Global HealthArmed ConflictCopingMental HealthMHPSSEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

A new interdisciplinary review from the ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre and VU Amsterdam provides an in-depth analysis of the mental health impacts, cultural and historical factors shaping coping and help-seeking, the evolving humanitarian response, and recommendations for strengthening mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in Ukraine. The report is an interdisciplinary literature review supplemented by key informant interviews.

Global HealthGenderHealth WorkersHRHInternational Women’s DayEducational Sciences
Author Reda Sadki

English version | Version française GENEVA, Switzerland, 8 March 2024 – The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) is sharing a collection of stories titled “Women inspiring women”, shared by 177 women on the frontlines of health and humanitarian action. Download: The Geneva Learning Foundation.