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Syntaxus baccata

Syntaxus baccata
Thoughts about bibliographic metadata, programming, statistics, taxonomy, and biology.
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Almost two years ago I started participating on the then-new (now-archived) npm forum. I had been using npm for a few years at that point, and I had some free time to spend providing technical support, for fun. I fixed a number of bugs in the CLI, and users thanked me for those. My impact was limited, but the work was fulfilling. That is, until the developers at npm I had been working with got laid off.


A rework of the BibTeX parser has been on the backlog since at least August 15, 2017, and recently I started working on actually carrying it out — systematically. There were a number of things to be improved: Complete syntax support: again, supporting BibTeX by looking at examples leads in a lack of support for less seen features like @string, @preamble and parentheses for enclosing entries instead of braces.


So a while ago I was looking around for the RIS specification again. I had not found it earlier, only a reference implementation from Zotero, a surprisingly complete list of tags and types on Wikipedia and some examples from various websites and programs exporting RIS files. They did not seem to go together well, however.


The new update, v0.4.4, contains a few Wikidata improvements (commit): 22 new mappings 2 fixed mappings (ISSN did not work and publisher-place was mapped to the wrong thing) 2 improved mappings (container-title for chapters and more URL mappings) 1 removed mapping (genre was inconsistent with the intended use, although it followed the specification) Because most of these mappings require additional resources (recipient has to fetch people,


After about two years, finally v0.4.0 is ready for a release. Whether it is a real milestone given that there have been prereleases for about two years, while 0.3.x only lasted three weeks, is for you to decide but I am glad that everything I planned for this version is implemented now. Changes So, let’s go through the major changes. Modules Most importantly, the code is fully modulated now.


I am in the process of creating a better way to map CSL types to Wikidata types together with Jakob Voß, and while listing all subtypes of web page, I came across a number of these cases (link): #defaultView:Graph SELECT ?a ?aLabel ?b ?bLabel WHERE { wd:Q58803899 wdt:P279* ?a . ?a wdt:P279 ?b . FILTER EXISTS { ?b wdt:P279* wd:Q386724 . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } I’m no expert on