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DH Lab

DH Lab
Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG)
Event ReportDh LabDigital HumanitiesFellowshipGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor DH Lab

by Ian Marino  “My IEG fellowship experience can be summed up as a great place to learn languages.” Emphasizing “languages” in the title of my digital humanities fellowship report may seem unusual. Yet, it has been the word resonating most during my 8-month stay in Mainz.

Lab ReportArt HistoryDatabasesDigital HumanitiesNetworksGeschichte und Archäologie
Autor DH Lab

Von Teresa Wendel Jede und jeder von uns trifft sie mehrfach am Tag ­— eine Entscheidung. Unabhängig davon, ob es sich um alltägliche oder lebensverändernde Fragen handelt, jede Entscheidung erfordert sorgfältige Überlegungen. Bei der Planung eines bevorstehenden Projekts treten ähnliche Herausforderungen auf: Aufkommende Fragen gilt es, gut abzuwägen und sorgfältig zu überdenken, um die richtige Entscheidung für das eigene Projekt zu treffen.

Event ReportDh LabDigital HumanitiesLaboratory TurnResearch InfrastructureGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor Demival Vasques Filho

by Ian Marino and Demival Vasques Filho Being part of a DH Lab involves questioning what constitutes this type of organism: who we are, what we do, how and why we do it. A recent workshop at the Digital Humanities Lab of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa has sparked a reflection regarding the question that entitles this blog post. 1 The multiple nationalities and institutions of the researchers present there added ingredients that

ConceptData ModellingGeohumanitiesMapsOntologyGeschichte und Archäologie
Autor DH Lab

ein Gastbeitrag von Ingo Frank (IOS Regensburg) Ausgehend von der konzeptuellen bzw. letztlich ontologischen Frage ‚Was ist eigentlich ein Ort (im frühneuzeitlichen Alten Reich)?‘ und der damit einhergehenden konzeptuellen Modellierung mit den begrifflichen Unterscheidungen haben wir uns bei der Planung des DigiKAR-Projekts für eine Ontologie-basierte Datenmodellierung entschieden.

Event ReportReIReSReligious StudiesResearch Data ManagementResearch InfrastructureGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor Jaap Geraerts

by Jaap Geraerts There’s a wonderful phrase in Dutch: “het nuttige met het aangename verenigen,” which means something like “to unite that which is useful (nuttig) with that which is pleasant (aangenaam).”  Although in general academia tends to be firmly tilted towards the former, occasionally it does happen that the coveted combination of utility and pleasantness is achieved.

Lab ReportData EnrichmentDigital HistoryHistorical Network ResearchNetworksGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor Demival Vasques Filho

By Agata Bloch and Demival Vasques Filho After a couple of attempts, we have finally received the exciting news that our project has been recommended for funding by the Polish National Science Center! Over the next four years, we will study the communication patterns of imperial commoners (non-elite actors) who developed similar characteristics, narratives, and thought strategies in different areas of the vast Atlantic Portuguese Empire.

Lab ReportArchivesBorn-digitalCOVID-19Global HistoryGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor DH Lab

By Ian Marino How will historians tell the history of the COVID-19 pandemic? At first, they will do so based on historical sources, as always. But how is the vast number of vestiges of such a global and traumatic event being archived?

ConceptComputational HistoryDigital HumanitiesHistorical Network ResearchNetwork AnalysisGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor Cindarella Petz

by Cindarella Petz Finally, we have arrived at a comfortable depth after recounting the history of computational thought in historical research (part 1) and the development of network research (part 2). 1 It is time now to delve into networks in history in part 3 of this series!

ConceptComputational HistoryDigital HumanitiesHistorical Network ResearchNetwork ResearchGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor Cindarella Petz

by Cindarella Petz Let us resume our dive into the history of historical network research! In this (three-part series) post, I first recounted the history of computational thought in historical research, and next I will discuss networks for history, before highlighting some of the cornerstones of network methodologies in historical studies. 1 This is part 2 on the development of network research.

ConceptComputational ThoughtDigital HistoryDigital HumanitiesHistorical Network ResearchGeschichte und ArchäologieEnglisch
Autor Cindarella Petz

by Cindarella Petz Buckle up for a dive into the history of historical network research! In this (three-part series) post, I will recount the history of computational thought in historical research, discuss networks for history, and highlight some of the cornerstones of network methodologies in historical studies. 1 Prepare for part 1 on computational thought in the historical studies.