Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglischJekyll

Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

The title here is a little deceptive. Because, clearly, I do know what we mean when we call scholarly communications platforms 'sustainable'. We mean that they will, through one business model or another, manage to maintain themselves without research funders ploughing endless cash into them. Yet, I've been thinking about this recently and it comes with several pre-assumptions that are quite tricky to unpick.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

In a famous [US Supreme Court case on pornography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobellis_v._Ohio): "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description, and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it and the motion picture involved in this case is not that." Some friends/colleagues have been reading this as: "Stewart is not

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

If you are attempting to build the dev setup for hypothes.is v0.8.14 and are receiving the error "OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory" whenever you request pages on the dev site, you need to install compass. sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev sudo gem install compass Hypothes.is v0.8.14 error: "OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory" was originally published by Martin Paul Eve at Martin Paul Eve on May 11, 2016.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

I've been pursuing a [Freedom of Information request](https://www.martineve.com/2015/11/18/bis-metrics-and-non-selective-qr-allocation/) against the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills for some time now. BIS have [consistently tried to block me](https://www.martineve.com/2015/12/28/internal-review-of-foi201525797/) from finding out what the Minister for HE, Jo Johnson (hereafter JJ), discussed with Elsevier.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

Dear all, I am writing to complain about recent news reports in which Royal Free patient data, including my own, has been shared with Google. Firstly, to the extent permissible under English law, I wish to withdraw my consent for this information to be shared with Google or any other organization without my explicit consent.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

Hypothes.is is an annotation framework that uses Pyramid to provide interface asset locations. This means that it is possible to override the interface and other components with one's own assets without simply forking the main hypothes.is repository. However, it's not actually completely clear how one does this.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

I've heard reports that the journals _Science_ and _Nature_ want the metadata on forthcoming articles to be embargoed. In other words, they are saying that they do not want a repository version to become discoverable before the work is published, even if the article itself is not available through the repository. I think this is really unhelpful.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

Having previously read and greatly enjoyed _The Aerodrome_, I sat down this morning and read Rex Warner's second novel, _The Professor_. I'd say it is a remarkable and interesting book that does something strange with notions of education, war, and fascism.

Sprachwissenschaften und LiteraturwissenschaftenEnglisch

I noted, on Twitter, how pleased I was to discover that there was good information available online about my current condition. I want, here though, to offer a few words to the ridiculous arguments that are sometimes brought against open access. Namely, that there isn't a public for this material because it is specialized in both its wording and its content.