
Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
Autor Stephen Turner

Aviad Klein over at My ContRibution wrote a convenient R function to list the classes of all the vectors that make up a data.frame. You would think apply(kyphosis,2,class) would do the job but it doesn't - it calls every vector a character class. Aviad wrote an elegant little function that does the job perfectly without having to load any external package:

Autor Stephen Turner

Last week Will showed you a bash script version of a sed command covered here a while back that would convert PLINK output from the default variable space-delimited format to a more database-loading-friendly tab or comma delimited file. A commenter asked how to do this on windows, so I'll share the way I do this using a perl script which you can use on windows after installing ActivePerl.

Autor Stephen Turner

Hadley Wickham, creator of ggplot2, an immensely popular framework for Tufte-friendly data visualization using R, is teaching two short courses at Vanderbilt this week. Once we opened registration to Vanderbilt students and staff we instantly filled all the available seats, so unfortunately I wasn't able to announce the course here. But the good news is that Hadley's made all the data, code, and slides from the course available online here.

Autor Stephen Turner

A live webcast of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing on “Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and the Consequences to the Public Health" is available at this link. I had trouble viewing the webcast in firefox - had to save the link and open it with VLC media player to get it working. You can also follow the #HouseDTC hastag on Twitter.

GWASNoteworthy BlogsRecommended ReadingBiologieEnglisch
Autor Stephen Turner

Jeff Barret (@jcbarret on Twitter) over at Genomes Unzipped (@GenomesUnzipped) has posted a nice guide for the uninitiated on how to read a GWAS paper. Barret outlines five critical areas that readers should pay attention to: sample size, quality control, confounding (including population substructure), the replication requirement, and biological significance.

Autor Stephen Turner

Update Tuesday, September 14, 2010: Fixed the ylim issue, now it sets the y axis limit based on the smallest observed p-value. A while back Will showed you how to create QQ plots of p-values in Stata and in R using the now-deprecated sma package. A bit later on I showed you how to do the same thing in R using ggplot2.

Autor Stephen Turner

Next week Brent Anderson with Illumina will be hosting a seminar series showcasing presentations from Vanderbilt scientists using Illumina technology to power their next-generation sequencing studies.

Autor Stephen Turner

At the request of a commenter I just wanted to clarify that any code released here for R or anything else is free and open source unless specifically stated otherwise. The open source (GPLv2) license for any code on GGD can be found on this page.Getting Genetics Done by Stephen Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

Autor Unknown

A while back, Stephen wrote a very nice post about converting PLINK output to a CSV file. If you are like me, you have used this a thousand times -- enough to get tired of typing lots of SED commands. I just crafted a little BASH script that accomplishes the same effect with a single easy to type command. Insert the following text into your .bashrc file.