
Research Group Information Management @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Research Group Information Management @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
StartseiteRSS-FeedISSN 2944-6848
Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

We are pleased to announce that the projects OA Datenpraxis and Infra Wiss Blogs of the Information Management Research Group from the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will be represented at this year’s BID Congress. Furthermore, Heinz Pampel will be involved in several other events during the BID Congress.

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

In a time when research data is increasingly at the heart of research integrity, discussions about data sharing, openness, and reusability have gained prominence. Yet, the ethical complexities surrounding research data—who collects it, how it is used, and whose interests it serves—are often sidelined.

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

In my PhD research, I look at DataRescue or Data Refuge movements, for example through the work of the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) (“Environmental Data & Governance Initiative” n.d.) to understand how people respond when they fear data is at risk.

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

On December 6th, 2024, we hosted the first workshop of our project Infra Wiss Blogs (Ochsner and Pampel 2024), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The aim of the workshop was to bring together scholarly bloggers and experts from information infrastructure institutions, so they could exchange experiences, wishes and challenges concerning scholarly blogs.

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

At last year’s Open-Access-Tage, OA Datenpraxis held a workshop together with the Open Access Monitor at Forschungszentrum Jülich as well as the state-wide Open Access initiatives of Berlin (Open Access Büro Berlin) and Brandenburg (Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg). The workshop ‘The state and prospects of open access reporting’ outlined different approaches - qualitative and quantitative - to Open Access reporting and

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

We are thrilled to announce that our group at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science has been honored with the Open Access Award 2024 of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. This recognition, valued at €5,000, underscores our commitment to advancing Open Access in research, education, and knowledge transfer.


In recent years, transformative agreements (TAs) have become a go-to strategy for publishers and research performing organizations aiming to open up access to research (Farley et al. 2021). These agreements promise to bridge traditional subscription-based journal models to an Open Access (OA) future (Borrego, Anglada, and Abadal 2021). But are they delivering on that promise?

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

I recently had the opportunity to speak on Deutschlandfunk about the Wayback Machine from the Internet Archive. The occasion was the recent cyberattack on the Internet Archive (Schräer 2023). The Wayback Machine plays a crucial role in preserving websites and providing access to our digital past—for researchers, journalists, and the interested public alike.

Lab LifeResearchInformatikEnglisch

This week marks the fifteenth annual International Open Access Week. Since 2010, the week has provided a platform to discuss the state and challenges of open access to scientific knowledge. While the early years focused on access to scientific articles (“Open Access Week” 2024), this year’s activities increasingly address other aspects of Open Science.