
Blog - Metadata Game Changers

Exploring metadata, communities, and new ideas.

The INFORMATE Project has combined three data sources to explore how the global research infrastructure might help the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and other federal agencies identify and characterize the impact of their support. The data sources are the NSF Award Database, the NSF Public Access Repository (PAR), and the global research infrastructure as viewed through CHORUS.


Connectivity measures how well research objects or collections of research objects are identified and connected to the global research infrastructure through the PID Graph. These connections depend on identifiers for all kinds of research objects. Here I focus on people and organizations, typically identified by ORCIDs and RORs.


Version 4.5 of the DataCite Metadata Schema\ includes several changes supporting the identification and description of instruments. Several DataCite members were describing instruments in DataCite metadata before this capability was introduced and others are beginning to do it now. These existing efforts can inform the development of community conventions and help the broader community understand how to use instrument metadata effectively.


“Project” is being added to the DataCite ResourceTypeGeneral vocabulary in the next release. Many DataCite members are already describing projects with DataCite metadata. Establishing a baseline is a step towards establishing community guidelines and examples of good ideas for how projects might be used.


Funder metadata is becoming more important as the global research infrastructure is engaged as a tool for quantifying impact of funders on research results and as interest in open science increases. Using acronyms in funder names makes it difficult to find identifiers and make the connections that are needed to realize benefits.