Ingenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglischWordPress


A personal lab notebook
Data MiningEngineeringBig DataGiles FraserJon ButterworthIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

The Church of Banksy Whatever your religous preferences, the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr captures a certain wisdom about life in general. So it is good to see that physicist Jon Butterworth at UCL has adapted it [1] for scientists: Amen! References Jon Butterworth (2014) Giles Fraser says scientists are replacing theologians.

ConferencesCskidsGoogleGoogleologyTechnologyIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

A dojo (or a dōjō) is an event where people train to perform a given task. So for example, software engineers organise code dojos to hone their skills in making software. The term has become widely adopted, so much so, that you’ll often find many flavours of dojo in your local area. In Manchester, there […]

TechnologyAndroidBarry CryerBBCColin SellIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue (ISIHAC) is a superbly funny comedy show broadcast by the BBC since 1972 and currently airing it’s sixtieth (yes 60th!) series. Unlike many other BBC programmes, ISIHAC is mysteriously unavailable as a podcast, which makes it difficult to listen to offline. Why is this? Professor Google doesn’t give a definitive answer and […]

Tom-fooleryBoobsMamchesterMammaryMamuciumIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

The term Manchester is a misnomer, mutated from it’s original form. The name Mamchester might be more appropriate, but only if the pedants get their way. The Man in Manchester is misleading and has little to do with Manhood or Masculinity. Instead, the word is thought to come from the name given to city by the […]

TechnologyAral BalkanDigital SerfdomForest Of BowlandLancashireIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

While passing through the beautiful Forest of Bowland the other day, I chanced upon a remarkable place known as Twitter Lane in the village of Waddington, Lancashire. Twitter Lane is an interesting place because of the people you find there and they way they behave [1]. For example, the residents of Twitter Lane are characterised […]

MathematicsScienceApiaryApicultureApis MelliferaIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Down in deepest, darkest Chorlton-cum-Hardy [1] the good people of Grow for it Chorlton have been running a series of taster sessions on beekeeping (a.k.a. apiculture). Here are some notes from one of these sessions held last weekend and some info on where to find out more if you’re interested. Bee Science With the ongoing mystery about […]

EducationEngineeringMathematicsScienceTechnologyIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Manchester Digital is the independent trade association for the thriving digital sector in the North West of England. Last night they held their AGM and elections for new members of their council. I was encouraged to stand for election, and alongside 19 other candidates, had to give a two-minute  “manifesto” in a husting / lightning-talk format. Here’s roughly what […]

PublishingScienceTechnologyBBCBBC Radio 4Ingenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

If you’ve filled your boots with the wall-to-wall glastonbury festival coverage, you might find it curious that many people have little or no interest in new music, choosing instead to listen to the artists they liked in their formative years and loyally sticking with them for life. John Peel put it another way: People do […]

ScienceAlan TurnbullAndrew WilkieAnne MillsAra DarziIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Earlier this month confusingly-named “Royal Society” announced their new fellows for 2013. The society is made up of (quote): “…the most eminent scientists, engineers and technologists from the UK and the Commonwealth. Fellows and Foreign Members are elected for life through a peer review process on the basis of excellence in science.” A quick-and-dirty measure of the scientific coverage of […]

EngineeringMathematicsScienceTechnologyBcsIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Here’s an interesting upcoming event: a debate on the motion: “This house believes that Academic Education will never meet the skills needs of the IT profession” “Universities are failing to educate graduates with the skills we need – this is the oft heard complaint by employers of IT graduates. Does the problem start in school with the […]