Ingenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglischWordPress


A personal lab notebook
EngineeringMathematicsScienceTechnologyBcsIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Here’s an interesting upcoming event: a debate on the motion: “This house believes that Academic Education will never meet the skills needs of the IT profession” “Universities are failing to educate graduates with the skills we need – this is the oft heard complaint by employers of IT graduates. Does the problem start in school with the […]

EducationEngineeringMathematicsScienceTechnologyIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Last Saturday, the first ever Raspberry Jamboree rolled into town, organised by the unstoppable force of nature that is Alan O’Donohoe (aka @teknoteacher). The jamboree looked at the educational value of the Raspberry Pi (a $25 computer) one year on from its launch on the the 29th February 2012. Here are some brief and incomplete notes on some of […]

ScienceTechnologyAfter-dataAfterdataBig DataIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Lots of people will tell you that metadata is “data about data”. While this definition is commonly used, it isn’t very helpful. Instead, it can be more useful to think of metadata as after-data. This, after all, is one the original meanings of the word meta (μετά) in the greek language. Metadata makes the world go round Ask […]

CommunicationEducationEngineeringMathematicsScienceIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

STEMNet is an organisation in the UK which creates opportunities to inspire young people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Recently, along with about 15 PhD students from the CDT in Manchester, I became an STEM Ambassador. This post briefly describes what STEMNet is all about, why you would want to get involved and […]

PublishingScienceTechnologyBibtexBioinformaticsIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

News that Reed Elsevier is in talks to buy will have many scientists reaching for their “delete account” button. Mendeley has built an impressive user-base of scientists and other academics since they started, but the possibility of an Elsevier takeover has worried some of its users. Elsevier has a strained relationship with some groups in the […]

EducationTechnologyAcmAssociation For Computing MachineryCACMIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

The debate about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is making lots of people think harder about education and how people learn. Are we witnessing Higher Education’s Napster moment, where online services replace physical ones [1] ? Is undergraduate education over-priced [2]? How can education be improved [3]? What is the point of Education anyway? These are all […]

CommunicationScienceAdventAirAlchemistIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

If you hate Chemistry [1] it’s probably because your Chemistry teachers weren’t up to scratch. Peter Wothers, The Modern Alchemist, is someone who might rekindle your interest in Chemistry through his delivery of the 2012 Christmas Lectures. Wothers will unpick the chemistry of the world around us, looking at Air, Water and Earth, three of the original […]

EngineeringGoogleGoogleologyMobileTechnologyIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Thoughtworks is an Information Technology consultancy which started in Chicago and now has offices all over the world. This year they’ve been running some interesting events called Quarterly Briefings which discuss topical technology, with the help of some case studies. So for example, back in October some Google Guys ‘n’ Girls looked at Big Data. Following on […]

EducationFunnyScienceAdam GaroneAlan StokesIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Movember is now in its tenth year but like many men, I’ve resisted the urge to grow a Mo because of an inability to grow a decent moustache a reluctance to look like a p0rn star / seventies pervert / gay cowboy [delete as appropriate] a fear of scaring off potential collaborators, customers, undergraduates, postgraduates, friends etc a long history of fine facial foliage from Errol Flynn to Tom Selleck, Henry Wellcome to Freddie Mercury,

AwardsCommunicationEngineeringScienceAosaf AfzalIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

Regular readers of this blog might remember that back in June of this year, I suggested that the Royal Society should employ a wikipedian in residence. After emailing, blogging and other ranting, Paul Nurse got in touch with me to say that the Society was sympathetic to the idea and would investigate. His email is reproduced below: From: […]

ConferencesEngineeringPublishingScienceTechnologyIngenieurwissenschaften und TechnikEnglisch

The UK’s premier Digital Research community event is being held in Oxford 10-12 September 2012. Come along to showcase and share the latest in digital research practice – and set the agenda for tomorrow at Digital Research 2012. The conference features an exciting 3-day programme with a great set of invited speakers together with showcases […]