Rene Bekkers

Rene Bekkers
Rene Bekkers
Academic MisconductAIDataFraudIncentivesSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

What could meta research learn from criminology for the prevention of research integrity violations? What insights does criminology provide in causes and prevention of research integrity violations? In a seminar (slides here) at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), I discussed with researchers in criminology how theories and findings from the field may be applied in the field of meta research.

Academic JournalsCodeDataMethodologyOpen ScienceSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

“Thank you for the invitation to review the manuscript you’ve received for possible publication in your journal. I will consider your request only if the data and code that produce the results reported are available in a publicly accessible repository.” This is my new default response to invitations to review manuscripts for academic journals.

ExperimentsHousehold GivingMeta ScienceOpen SciencePhilanthropySozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

How reliable is our knowledge on mechanisms that make people give? In a webinar organized by the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP) on December 10, 2024, I’ve given a preliminary answer to this question. The slides are here. With a group of scholars we seek to identify which results have successfully been replicated in research that was conducted since the 2007 Science of Generosity working paper (Bekkers &

Academic JournalsAcademic MisconductCodeDataEconomicsSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

Check out Detecting Bad Science, a new website I’ve created to help you identify weaknesses in empirical research reports. For each weakness you’ll find suggestions to avoid or repair it, or mitigate its consequences. The materials help you evaluate the quality of research in the social and behavioral sciences. You’ll also learn how to improve research designs and reports.

Autor Rene Bekkers

Looking back at my career thus far, I see four things that helped me advance in academia: freedom, help from others, coincidence, and quirkiness. Plus privilege, health, naive optimism, and openness.

Academic JournalsAcademic MisconductAIDataExperimentsSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

It’s time for a career split: in the coming years, I am adding meta science and research integrity as a second line of research, next to the science of philanthropy. It’s a split, not a switch. I’m far from done with research on research on philanthropy and will keep working on it the Department of Sociology at VU Amsterdam.

AltruismBequestsCenter For Philanthropic StudiesCharitable OrganizationsDataSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

Fifteen years of data from the Giving in the Netherlands Panel Survey (Bekkers, De Wit & Wiepking, 2017, p. 65: Figure 24, reproduced below) indicate that households with lower incomes in the Netherlands are more generous than households with higher incomes.

AltruismBequestsCenter For Philanthropic StudiesCharitable OrganizationsDataSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

Both in the Netherlands and in the USA, generosity has been declining in the past years. In the USA, the value of donations in 2023 declined by 2.1%, adjusted for inflation, according to recent findings from Giving USA. We found a similar decline in generosity in the Netherlands. The value of donations in 2022 reached an all-time low of 0.62% of GDP. The Netherlands gave about € 5.3 billion to charitable causes in the year 2022.

Charitable OrganizationsEconomicsExperimentsFundraisingHousehold
Autor Rene Bekkers

[Update 13 juni 2024: extra nuance toegevoegd; met dank aan Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm] De budgettaire bijlage bij het hoofdlijnenakkoord vermeldt op pagina 4 een bezuiniging op de giftenaftrek. SEO maakte onlangs een evaluatie van de giftenaftrek. Ik las de evaluatie in het licht van de bezuinigingsplannen. Hier een paar gedachten. Wat zegt de evaluatie van de giftenaftrek over het effect van afschaffing ervan? Helemaal niets. Huh?

Academic JournalsAcademic MisconductAIDataFraudSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

Last week I attended a conference organized by the university libraries in the Netherlands with the straightforward title: “What do we want from publishers?” The conference served as a consultation with librarians and other academics, before the universities in the Netherlands start negotiations about deals with commercial publishers such as Elsevier.