Rene Bekkers

Rene Bekkers
Rene Bekkers
Autor Rene Bekkers

The Researchers, Academics, and Data Enthusiasts (RADE) working group of WINGS is organizing a session “Longitudinal Studies: Contributions to Understanding Giving Behaviour and the Practice of Philanthropy” on September 19th, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm (UTC).

Charitable OrganizationsDataHousehold
Autor Rene Bekkers

Het was *het* nieuws van de Dag van de Filantropie: Nederlandse miljonairs geven per jaar €1274 aan goede doelen. Het nieuws komt uit het hoofdstuk ‘Geven door huishoudens‘ van Geven in Nederland 2022, dat we op 16 juni 2022 presenteerden op een symposium aan de VU. Na afloop van de presentatie sprak ik drie heel verschillende mensen. Zij vonden het om uiteenlopende redenen een laag bedrag.

Open ScienceResearchScienceTeachingWritingSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

If you’re struggling with writing your dissertation, bachelor or master thesis, or if you know students who are, then my blog Better Academic Research Writing may help: You’ll find answers to questions like: What should I put in the introduction?

HealthRegression AnalysisSurvey
Autor Rene Bekkers

Het lijkt te mooi om waar te zijn: help anderen met vrijwilligerswerk, en je wordt er zelf ook beter van. Het houdt je gezond en je leeft uiteindelijk langer. Zou het zo eenvoudig zijn? Er zijn steeds meer onderzoeken die suggereren dat er een kern van waarheid schuilt in het idee dat vrijwilligerswerk mensen langer gezond houdt. Veel van deze studies gebruiken alleen kleine steekproeven.

DataNetherlandsOpen ScienceRegression AnalysisStatistical AnalysisSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

The proposal seems too good to be true: give time to help others, and benefit yourself too. Be healthier and eventually live longer. Would it be so simple? Studies actually suggest there may be some truth in the idea that helping others through volunteer work helps people stay healthy. Yet many of these studies use small samples.

Autor Rene Bekkers

Here’s a set of insights on remote assessment in higher education, from another COVID-19 year filled with remote teaching, hybrid online / in person classes and online proctoring. I’m focusing on remote assessment – exams students can take from home. My suggestions: first, assess students through tasks that engage them in theory and skills application, analysis of evidence, and creation of knowledge;

Blood DonationCenter For Philanthropic StudiesDataExperimentsResearchSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

In the new academic year, we’re starting a PhD project at the department of Donor Studies at Sanquin Research and the Center for Philanthropic Studies at Vrije Universiteit (VU). Meanwhile, we’ve completed interviews and selected Alexandra Ciauşescu for the position.

Academic JournalsOpen SciencePublicationsRegulationResearchSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

All research gets published and journals compete for the best work. Here’s a sketch of the ideal research publication infrastructure, in which the new frontier is research quality.

Autor Rene Bekkers

“I’ve done some research….” You’re planning a city trip. Where to stay? Which places to visit? Opening times? How to reach the places you want to go? The answers to these questions are not the result of real research. You just looked things up. “Research shows that…” You’re wondering what the latest insights are about a topic that you’re interested in. What does the current research tell you?

DataSociologyStatistical AnalysisSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

It’s not clear what happened — yet. But the best explanation, sociologists say, involves forms of matter and energy not currently known to social science. By René Bekkers April 13, 2021 Updated 6:20 p.m. CET Evidence is mounting that a tiny social particle seems to be disobeying the known laws of society, scientists announced on Wednesday, a finding that would open a vast and tantalizing hole in our understanding of the community.

DataExperimentsMethodologyOpen ScienceRegression AnalysisSozialwissenschaftenEnglisch
Autor Rene Bekkers

A key element of open science is to provide access to the code and data that produces the results you present. Guidelines for the organization of your data and code are based on two general principles: simplicity and explanation. Make verification of your results as simple as possible, and provide clear documentation so that people who are not familiar with your data or research can execute the analyses and understand the results.