Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
StartseiteAtom-FeedISSN 3033-3695
100% Totally RealChallengeFoodJust Plain WrongOff TopicGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

I recently discovered the blog Slime Mold Time Mold, which is largely about the science of obesity — a matter of more than academic interest to me, and if I may say to, to Matt. I discovered SMTM through its fascinating discussions of scurvy and citrus-fruit taxonomy.

SizeStinkin' FrogsGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

This recent news story tells of a cane toad found in Australia that weighs six pounds. Here’s the photo, because it’s too good not to include: Kylee Gray, a ranger with the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, holds a giant cane toad, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023, near Airlie Beach, Australia. “We believe it’s a female due to the size, and female cane toads do grow bigger than males.

Peer ReviewRantsStinkin' AuthorsStinkin' EditorsStinkin' PublishersGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

I was a bit shaken to read this short article, Submit It Again! Learning From Rejected Manuscripts (Campbell et al. 2022), recently posted on Mastodon by open-access legend Peter Suber. For example: Let’s pick this apart a bit. “Because they recently published a similar article” ? What is this nonsense.

CaudalDiplodocidsDIYDIY DinosaursDorsalGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

In the last post I showed the Brachiosaurus humerus standee I made last weekend, and I said that the idea had been “a gleam in my eye for a long time”. That’s true, but it got kicked into high gear late in 2021 when I got an email from a colleague, Dr. Michelle Stocker at […]

Brachiosaur GulchBrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusDIYDIY DinosaursGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

Building life-size standees of big dinosaur bones has been a gleam in my eye for a long time. What finally pushed me over the edge was an invitation from Oakmont Outdoor School here in Claremont, California, to come talk about dinosaurs. It was an outdoor assembly, with something like 280 kids in attendance, and most of my show and tell materials are hand-sized and would not show up well from a distance.

Brachiosaur GulchBrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusDIYHumerusGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

I’m also teaching in two anatomy courses and in the process of moving residences (hence bins and boxes and whatnot), so the timing’s…not great. But needs must when the devil drives. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Just Plain WrongOff TopicRantsTimelyGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

I’m sure you’ve seen things like ChatGPT in the news: programs that can carry out pretty convincing conversations. They are known as Large Language Models (LLMs) and are frequently referred to as being Artificial Intelligence (AI) — but I really don’t like that designation as it implies some understanding.

Credit Where It's DueGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

For some bizarre reason, I have only today discovered Sauropoda Central — a sauropod blog written by someone who goes only by the name “Davidow”, but whose introductory post reveals that he is occasional SV-POW! commenter Vahe Demirjian. It’s a solid blog full of meaty, sauropodolicious nourishment.

Cross SectionsCTPneumaticityProsauropodGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

Here’s a nice early holiday present for me: 51 weeks after our first paper together, I’m on another one with Tito Aureliano and colleagues: Aureliano, T., Ghilardi, A.M., Müller, R.T., Kerber, L., Pretto, F.A., Fernandes, M.A.,Ricardi-Branco, F., and Wedel, M.J. 2022.

100% Totally RealCervicalDorsalHelp SV-POW!GeowissenschaftenEnglisch

I was googling around some photos, confirming to myself that turtles don’t have cervical ribs, when I stumbled across this monstrosity (and when I use that word I mean it as a compliment): Softshell turtle Trionyx spinifera , cervicodorsal transition in ventral view, anterior to right. Copyright © Mike Dodd, used by kind permission.