Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
StartseiteAtom-FeedISSN 3033-3695
Year In ReviewGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

Last year about this time I vowed to return SV-POW! to its nominal roots: a new post at least once a week for all of 2018. It had been a while since the blog had lived up to the letter of its name, and I thought it would be a fun challenge to see if blogging to a schedule again would be inspiring or oppressive.

Museum Of OsteologyMuseumsStinkin' Every Thing That's Not A SauropodStinkin' FishStinkin' HeadsGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

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Anatomical PreparationsCervicalDIYJust Freakin' Wall-to-wall Turkeys Everywhere ManStinkin' TheropodsGeowissenschaftenFranzösisch

When I started working on sauropods, I thought their vertebrae were cool but they were loaded with weird structures that I didn’t understand. Then I dissected my first ostrich neck and suddenly everything made sense: this was a muscle attachment, that was a pneumatic feature, this other thing was a ligament scar. Everyone who is interested enough to read this blog should give themselves the same “Aha!” moment.

1st Palaeo Virtual CongressConferencesOpen AccessPeerJ PreprintsTimelyGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

In a move that will surprise no-one who’s been paying attention, my and Matt’s presentation of vertebral orientation at the 1st Palaeo Virtual Congress is now up as a PeerJ preprint. Sadly, with the end of the conference period on 15th December, the page for my talk has been deleted, along with some interesting comments. But here at SV-POW!, we have no truck with ephemerality, hence this more permanent manifestation of our work.

1st Palaeo Virtual Congress3D ModelsCartilageCaudalConferencesGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

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Open AuthoringShiny Digital FutureVertebral OrientationGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

Now that Matt and I have blogged various thoughts about how to orient vertebra (part 1, part 2, relevant digression 1, relevant digression 2, part 3) and presented a talk on the subject at the 1st Palaeontological Virtual Congress, it’s time for us to strike while the iron is hot and write the paper.


Last year about this time I wrote: Here’s a stupid thing: roughly 2-3 times a year I go to the field or to a museum and get hundreds of SV-POW!-able photos. Then I get back to the world and catch up on all of the work that piled up while I was away.

AquilopsArtStinkin' HeadsStinkin' OrnithischiansGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

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1st Palaeo Virtual CongressBrachiosauridsCaudalCervicalConferencesGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

The 1st Palaeontological Virtual Congress is underway now, and will run through December 15. Mike and I have two presentations up: {.aligncenter .wp-image-15560 .size-large loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“15560” permalink=“”

DissectionEverything's Better Cut In HalfPeople We LikePigStinkin' Appendicular ElementsGeowissenschaftenEnglisch

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