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Chris von Csefalvay

Chris von Csefalvay is a computational epidemiologist/data scientist working at the intersection of AI, epidemiology and public health.
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AIGamesABMsScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

There’s a notion in artificial intelligence known as Moravec’s paradox: it’s relatively easy to teach a computer to play chess or checkers at a pretty decent level, but near impossible to teach it something as trivial as bipedal motion. (Hassabis 2017) The sensorimotor tasks that our truly wonderful brains have mastered by our second birthday are much harder to teach a computer than something arguably as ‘complex’ as beating a chess grandmaster.

Computational EpidemiologyEpidemicsCross-post: StarschemaScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

My recent post on the Starschema blog discusses the need for better data products to tackle future pandemic challenges: Read the full post here.

AIComputational ChemistryEthicsScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

In a recent paper that has attracted the interest of popular media as well, Fabio Urbina and colleagues examined the use (or rather, the abuse) of computational chemistry models of toxicity for generating toxic compounds and potential chemical agent candidates.(Urbina et al. 2022) Urbina and colleagues conclude that Urbina, Fabio, Filippa Lentzos, Cédric Invernizzi, and Sean Ekins. 2022.

LiteratureData ScienceEthicsScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

Every year, the Commandant of the Marine Corps publishes a reading list of books that often only bear on warfighting tangentially at best. The idea behind this is that those entrusted with the lives of servicemembers should have an understanding of the world that goes beyond the profession of arms. In much the same way, I have been advising data scientists to go beyond professional literature.

QuoraHistoryTechnologyScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

I used to be on Quora. I’m not anymore. But I used to be. And I wrote some answers. Here are some of my favourites, categorised by field… sort of. AI If I wrote an AI and trained it to score 200 on a standardized IQ test, what could a human of 100 IQ still do better? Read the full answer here. Will true AI come before the ability to completely simulate a human brain? Is there a difference? Read the full answer here.

COVID-19PharmacologyScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

As the new Omicron variant of concern of COVID-19 emerged over Thanksgiving week (of all times!), attention has been turning to Paxlovid (PF-07321332). If, like me, you torment yourself by perusing conspiracy theories, you might have heard it referred to as Pfizermectin.

Public HealthVaccinesScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

There might be valid concerns about the mRNA vaccines. Then there are the clearly insane ones, such as the claims that it involves the injection of a microchip. The argument that mRNA vaccines are a form of ‘gene therapy’ are somewhere in the middle, and that makes responding to it somewhat difficult.

CybersecurityEconometricsGame TheoryScienze naturaliInglese
Autore Chris von Csefalvay

In the middle of the green and pleasant countryside of England lies a small piece of commons –– land, that is, over which a number of people share certain rights. In this hypothetical scenario, it’s six farmers, to . Each of them has a hypothetical cow, which differs from ordinary cows in that it grazes a fixed unit, and produces a fixed amount of milk (unlike real cows, which vary wildly in their input and output parameters, or so I’m told).