
Dr. Crystal N. Steltenpohl

Research Into Action
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Autore Dr. Crystal N. Steltenpohl

2023 was a year. I entered the year partway through my tenure as SIPS president. I have always been ambivalent about being in leadership roles. I don’t particularly feel the need to be in charge, though like anyone, I do like being heard, and I like helping other people be heard.

Autore Dr. Crystal N. Steltenpohl

I had the honor to deliver the opening address to the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science on June 22, 2023 in Padova, Italy, in my capacity as president. The following are my prepared remarks. (I also have a version of this on PsyArXiv.) Something they don’t tell you about presidential addresses is that they’re a little bit self-serving.

Autore Dr. Crystal N. Steltenpohl

Shortly after beginning my involvement with the Open Science Movement, I was at a conference talking to another early career researcher, someone I had just met.

Autore Dr. Crystal N. Steltenpohl

I was catching up on Everything Hertz when I landed on “Swiping Right” episode on academic rejection. Listening to how Dan and James handle rejection got me thinking about how I deal with academic rejection and what strategies may be more useful for folks, especially younger academics who are still trying to find their way. Let’s face it: academics face a lot of rejection.

Autore Dr. Crystal N. Steltenpohl

Every few months the same debate pops up in the open science circles in my Twitter feed, and we go round and round about whether people in general should sign their manuscript reviews. (The last time I saw it, it was an interesting Everything Hertz episode.