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BlogsStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore Andrew Pixley

So, this morning, the day has already got off to a good start with the unprompted arrival of what I like to think of as a ‘Nice one!’ e-mail. They don’t have to be long.  They don’t have to be complicated.  And – indeed – they were a thing taught to me in the technology field before we even had e-mails.  I have no idea what I liked to think of them as back then.

CFPCFPs ConferencesSeptemberStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore CSTonline

Call for Papers: ‘A word, after a word, after a word is power’: The Hulu Adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-2024): A one-day multidisciplinary symposium. Friday, September 13, 2024 University of Northumbria at Newcastle We are inviting proposals for 20-minute conference papers on the Hulu Adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale , Margaret Atwood’s famous 1985 dystopia.

BlogsWFTHNStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore Christa van Raalte

This week, the nominations for the British Academy Television Awards will be announced. There will be nominations for a range of TV craft roles, including directors, cinematographers, sound recordists and editors, as well as production design, hair and make-up, and costume;

CFPCFPs JournalsStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore CSTonline

Call for Papers: Special issue of Journal of British Cinema and Television on the theme of transmission and transmitters Proposals are invited for a special issue of the Journal of British Cinema and Television on the subject of television and cinema transmission. Transmission is one of the key technologies underpinning television and cinema.

CFPCFPs ConferencesAprilStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore CSTonline

Organizers: The Audience Network at Lancaster University (ANLU) Confirmed Speaker: Prof. Annette Kuhn (Queen Mary University of London) Deadline for submission of abstracts: 29 March 2024 Notification of Acceptance: 12 April 2024 Since its first engagements with television, radio, and popular culture (Williams 1974; Hall 1973;

BlogsStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore CSTonline

The Book Reviews Section for the journal Critical Studies in Television is interested in adding to our list of possible book reviewers. We are particularly interested in recruiting PhD students who would like to get the experience of writing for a Journal. Guidance will be given about shaping a review, reviews will get sympathetic editorial advice and deadlines can be adjusted to suit personal circumstances.

BlogsStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore Melissa Beattie

Commercial radio has a long history in the US. It is in this context that sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati (CBS, 1978-1982) exists, balancing corporate requirements with sociocultural critique. For those unfamiliar with the series, it followed the trials and tribulations of the radio station WKRP based in Cincinnati, Ohio and its eccentric employees.

CFPCFPs ConferencesDecemberStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore CSTonline

This year marks the thirtieth instalment of the Visible Evidence Conference, the preeminent event for the global network dedicated to the study of documentary and nonfiction media culture. The conference has evolved into an international event, with editions held in locales such as New Delhi, Lancaster, New York, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Stockholm, Udine, and Gdansk.

BlogsStudi sui media e scienze della comunicazioneInglese
Autore Melissa Beattie

‘It’s been…’ For those of a certain age and/or certain geographic range, that partial lyric was almost certainly read in the voice of Steven Page, the former co-front man of Canadian band Barenaked Ladies (from now BNL). Though Page has since become both a solo artist and part of the Trans-Canadian Highwaymen supergroup and the iconic initial lyric is now sung as a duet between BNL’s multi-instrumentalist Kevin Hearn and drummer Tyler