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DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
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DataCite CommonsProductScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

One of the key benefits of having openly accessible metadata for a scholarly record is to easily identify and expose the relations among works—for example, investigations conducted in different domains that cite the same literature, results reported by different teams that drew from the same datasets, or projects outputs delivered years ago that inspired new experiments or methodology. These relations have always existed, but are often hidden due to variable archiving conventions and siloed preservation and communication practices. With properly implemented persistent identifier (PID) workflows, however, they can be readily discovered and be fed back into the research process, supporting evidence-based assessment. 

The post Visualizing the Network of Scholarly Works on DataCite Commons appeared first on DataCite.

Call For NominationsScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

As a global community, DataCite encourages involvement from people that share our vision: to ensure that research outputs and resources are openly available and connected so that their reuse can advance knowledge across and between disciplines, now and in the future.

Guest Blog PostIGSNService ProviderScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autori Vaida Plankytė, Rorie Edmunds

hrough the 2021 partnership between DataCite and IGSN e.V., DataCite services can be used to register International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN IDs) for material samples. Over the coming months, the blog series ‘IGSN ID Implementation Exemplars’ will showcase sample management workflows developed by the community that incorporate IGSN ID registration. In each post, we offer practical guidance on how to work alongside disciplinary sample experts to register IGSN IDs within DataCite services.

RSpace is an open-source research platform for institutional research data management, maintained by Research Space. It consists of an electronic lab notebook (ELN) and inventory management system that integrate with various tools, enabling you to connect and access various aspects of your existing workflows and build upon them in ways that enhance their FAIRness. A major component of RSpace is the Inventory system—a customisable and mobile-friendly sample management system. In collaboration with DataCite, RSpace has prototyped a seamless integration of IGSN IDs within the Inventory module such that you can naturally draft, edit the sample metadata for, and publish IGSN IDs. RSpace is not only a DataCite Registered Service Provider, it is the first service provider on the program to offer IGSN ID registration services to DataCite Members and Consortium Organizations.

The post IGSN ID Implementation Exemplars: RSpace appeared first on DataCite.

MetadataMetadata SchemaScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

The DataCite Metadata Working Group has a new Request for Comments (RFC) with several proposed changes to the DataCite Metadata Schema, and we want to hear your feedback. We are looking for input on the following proposed changes: Adding a new resourceTypeGeneral: Award Adding a new relationType: Other Adding a new sub-property to RelatedIdentifier: relationTypeInformation You can leave comments and suggestions directly on the RFC Google Doc.

Global Access FundGlobal Access ProgramGuest Blog PostMembersScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autori Nino Pavliashvili, Natali Giorgobiani, Mohamad Mostafa

The DataCite Global Access Fund (GAF) is a strategic initiative designed to enhance equitable access to research infrastructure by supporting organizations in regions and communities currently underrepresented in the global […]

The post Advancing Research Through DataCite’s Global Access Fund: National Science Library of Georgia appeared first on DataCite.

Guest Blog PostRAiDStrategyScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autori Natasha Simons, Shawn Ross, Helena Cousijn

A key challenge for researchers is keeping track of project activities across the research lifecycle. Unlike a grant, which a researcher receives, a project is something that a researcher does. Project information is dynamic; what is planned is not necessarily what is delivered, while project contributors and organizations may change over time.

Global Access FundGlobal Access ProgramScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore Fredrick Kiwuwa Lugya

The DataCite Global Access Fund (GAF) is a strategic initiative designed to enhance equitable access to research infrastructure by supporting organizations in regions and communities currently underrepresented in the global open science infrastructure landscape. In this blog post series, we will explore the projects of the GAF awardees, sharing insights into the outcomes and future aspirations. Each of the blog posts will focus on how the projects lead to the creation of a more inclusive global research community, sharing what they have achieved so far and outlining their plans for further development and impact. 

In today's rapidly evolving scholarly landscape, the role of libraries in raising awareness about metadata, open research practices, and the importance of integrating persistent identifiers (PIDs) into research workflows is more crucial than ever. Recently, Busitema University Library organized a week-long event to equip library professionals, ICT practitioners, and research administrators with the skills and knowledge to advocate for open-access initiatives, implement institutional repositories and utilise DataCite's open infrastructure services.

The post Advancing Research Through DataCite’s Global Access Fund: Busitema University, Uganda appeared first on DataCite.

MetadataMetadata SchemaScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

One of the key factors in making research outputs discoverable is assigning unique, persistent identifiers (PIDs) along with rich metadata. DataCite provides services to register Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), which provide a persistent way of identifying and accessing a particular resource.

Global Access ProgramGuest Blog PostMembersScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneSpagnolo
Autori Paola Bongiovani, Arturo Garduño-Magaña

Casos de uso de DataCite en todo el mundo: Bienvenidos a nuestra serie de blogs que destacan cómo las instituciones de investigación integran la infraestructura de DataCite en sus sistemas y flujos de trabajo.