Casos de uso de DataCite en todo el mundo: Bienvenidos a nuestra serie de blogs que destacan cómo las instituciones de investigación integran la infraestructura de DataCite en sus sistemas y flujos de trabajo.
Casos de uso de DataCite en todo el mundo: Bienvenidos a nuestra serie de blogs que destacan cómo las instituciones de investigación integran la infraestructura de DataCite en sus sistemas y flujos de trabajo.
DataCite use cases around the world: Welcome to our blog series shining a spotlight on how research institutions integrate DataCite infrastructure into their systems and workflows.
csv,conf es un evento impulsado por la comunidad y organizado al 100% por voluntarios para creadores de datos de todo el mundo. Esta conferencia sirve como una plataforma para compartir conocimientos y fomentar la colaboración entre aficionados a los datos, contribuyentes de código abierto, académicos y más. La octava edición de csv,conf se llevó a cabo del 27 al 30 de mayo en Puebla, México. Después de un muy exitoso csv,conf,v7 en Buenos Aires, esta edición se realizó en la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), siendo una conferencia bilingüe (inglés y español) por segunda vez.
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csv,conf is a community-driven and 100% volunteer organized event for data makers from all around the world. This conference serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration among data hobbyists, open source contributors, academics, and more. csv,conf,v8 took place on May 27-30, in Puebla, Mexico. After a very successful csv,conf,v7 in Buenos Aires, this edition was hosted at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), being a bilingual (English and Spanish) conference for the second time.
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DataCite use cases around the world: Welcome to our blog series shining a spotlight on how research institutions integrate DataCite infrastructure into their systems and workflows.
Metadata forms the backbone of open scholarly infrastructure, enabling the discoverability, accessibility, and understanding of research outputs and resources. When repositories register Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) with DataCite, they use the DataCite Metadata Schema to describe each research output or resource.
Through the 2021 partnership between DataCite and IGSN e.V., DataCite services can be used to register International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN IDs) for material samples. Over the coming months, the blog series ‘IGSN ID Implementation Exemplars’ will showcase sample management workflows developed by the community that incorporate IGSN ID registration. In each post, we offer practical guidance on how to work alongside disciplinary sample experts to register IGSN IDs within DataCite services.
GFZ Data Services is hosted at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. It is a research data repository for DOI-referenced data and scientific software from the Geosciences, and provides IGSN ID registration for geosamples. GFZ Data Services was a founding member of IGSN e.V. in 2011, and until 31 December 2022, when the IGSN PID infrastructure transitioned under DataCite, GFZ Data Services was responsible for managing the central IGSN handle server that registered more than 10.5 Million IGSN IDs. As IGSN Allocating Agent, GFZ Data Services has assigned close to 39,000 material samples with IGSN IDs for its community. Almost 3,000 IGSN IDs have been directly registered within DataCite services since the transition.
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DataCite is a global community of research organizations with a common purpose. As part of this effort and aligned with our multi-year strategy, we launched a pilot to help our community track awards and related outputs. During the pilot, we registered award DOIs, coordinated on common challenges, established clear community guidelines, and will now work to improve our existing services to better support use cases.
PIDfest, jointly organized by NTK and ARDC, was held from June 11 -13 in Prague. The event brought together persistent identifier (PID) advocates, users, and leaders from around the world to solve real-world infrastructure challenges to accelerate research and innovation. DataCite was well represented during the event with presentations by our staff, members and partners.
On June 10, 2024, we hosted the DataCite Connect Prague event, collocated with PIDfest. We are happy that 40 community members joined us to discuss how we can collectively make the most of metadata. Bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, the event facilitated presentations and offered space for lively discussions. The session began with a warm welcome and introduction of the DataCite team by Helena Cousijn.
‘If you want to create good and tasty food, then you must have love and respect for the person who will consume it’. This was the key message that the DataCite Team was taught when learning to cook Moroccan food at our recent retreat, and one that is pertinent to not only serving guests in your home but also for DataCite when developing services for the community. Appetizer 🥗 It is that time of year again already!