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DH Lab

DH Lab
Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG)
Pagina inizialeAtom Foraggio
Lab ReportAuthorityBorn-digitalDigital HistoryNetwork AnalysisStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Demival Vasques Filho

by Daniela Linkevicius de Andrade and Demival Vasques Filho Writing history in the 21st century means considering the digital space as a significant space for the production of historical knowledge, especially since dichotomies such as “offline” and “online” fail to do justice to how “real” and “digital” intertwine.

Lab ReportDifflibNLPProgrammingPythonStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Markus Müller

by Markus Müller We have come a long way since episode I of this miniseries: After digitizing the texts, normalizing the orthographic variants, and resolving the abbreviations, we used an interactive web app to find and correct remaining transcription errors. Now that the texts are free of mistakes we can finally use them for comparisons. In this episode, we will compare an original text with an expurged reprint to find censorship.

Event ReportDigital HumanitiesInterviewsProject ManagementStoria e archeologiaTedesco
Autore Thorsten Wübbena

von Fabian Cremer, Swantje Dogunke, Thorsten Wübbena 1. Motivation Die „DH from Scratch“-Veranstaltungen markieren auf den Tagungen des Verbandes „Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum“ aktuelle Diskussions- und Handlungsfelder, die sich aus der Koordination digitaler Forschung ergeben.

Lab ReportAltes ReichDigital EditionDigital HumanitiesGeohumanitiesStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Monika Barget

By Monika Barget In the winter term 2020/2021, Jaap Geraerts and I worked with students in the Mainz MA programme “Digitale Methoden in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften” (“Digital Methods in the Humanities and Cultural Studies”) to create a digital edition of early modern birth and apprenticeship letters.

Lab ReportDigital HumanitiesFlaskOCRProgrammingStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Markus Müller

by Markus Müller In the last episode, we built a pipeline to convert a diplomatic transcription into normalized Latin text. The code works fine as long as the diplomatic transcription is correct. But what happens if the transcription contains errors or, even worse, if the printer in the 16th century misspelled a word? – Right now, nothing would happen at the moment because our pipeline cannot detect these errors.

Lab ReportDigital HumanitiesOCRProgrammingPythonStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Markus Müller

by Markus Müller Visiting a museum as a kid, I sometimes wondered why I could hardly read anything in the medieval or early modern books and manuscripts displayed in the exhibition. Even after I learned Latin in school, the situation did not improve. I was not aware that people in former centuries used a lot more abbreviations than today, especially in Latin texts.

Lab ReportDigital HumanitiesProgrammingPythonREST-APIStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Markus Müller

by Markus Müller In the first episode of this miniseries, I explained how to use OCR with Transkribus to create a diplomatic transcription from images of 16th century Latin prints. However, the resulting text is full of abbreviations and may contain transcription errors. In both cases, Python scripts could help to normalize the text and to detect possible errors.

Lab ReportCatholicismData CaptureDigital HistoryEarly Modern PeriodStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Jaap Geraerts

By Jaap Geraerts and Sarah Büttner The scholarly importance of “Priesterbibliotheken” (priests’ libraries) is well-known: they provide insight into what Catholic priests serving in the Holland Mission read or at least thought useful to own. Moreover, such libraries can tell us more about early modern Dutch Catholic spirituality, but also about the wider interest in books outside the remit of theology and pastoral care.

Lab ReportDigital HistoryLatinOCRTranskribusStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Markus Müller

by Markus Müller with the collaboration of Melina Ramirez Introduction Since the 1980s, our knowledge on 16th century censorship has been growing constantly thanks to coordinated research projects and new sources. In over ten years of research, for instance, José Maria Bujanda and his team edited all printed catalogues of forbidden books issued by Catholic authorities in the 16th century (eleven volumes until 1999).

Event ReportDigital HumanitiesEducationGamificationResearch CommunicationStoria e archeologiaInglese
Autore Monika Barget

by Monika Barget Recently, I have more extensively explored serious games for teaching and research communication in the humanities . In a workshop aimed primarily at religious studies scholars, I intended to address analogue board games as well as hybrid and exclusively digital games. And apart from games I myself had used or contributed to, I hoped to present other examples in different languages.

Event ReportNFDIReserach Data ManagementTeachingTrainingStoria e archeologiaTedesco
Autore Fabian Cremer

von Fabian Cremer, Michael Czolkoß-Hettwer und Thorsten Wübbena Ein Workshop zum Forschungsdatenmanagement ist derzeit zwar keine exotische Weiterbildung mehr, aber als fachspezifisches Angebot in der Geschichtswissenschaft weder üblich noch obligatorisch. Die Landschaft der Angebote zeigt trotzdem eine Vielzahl an engagierten Akteur:innen mit ausgewisesener Expertise.