
Economics from the Top Down

Economics from the Top Down
New ideas in economics and the social sciences
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EnergyHierarchyInequalityInstitution SizePower LawsEconomiaInglese
Autore Blair Fix

This is the first of two essays written for (and supported by) the Seoul Platform for Initiating Discourses on an Equitable and Resilient Society. These essays investigate the role that hierarchy plays in driving inequality and unsustainability. This piece introduces the facts of hierarchy.

EnergyModelsM. King HubbertPeak Conventional OilPeak OilEconomiaInglese
Autore Blair Fix

Peak oil was all the rage a decade ago. Now nobody’s talking about it. The funny thing is, it’s still happening.

Open ScienceEconomics TextbooksGoogle NgramsIdeologyRelative Word FrequencyEconomiaInglese
Autore Blair Fix

I built a bot that counts word frequency. Here’s what it says about the language in economics textbooks.