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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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Lingue e letteraturaInglese

This is an author’s accepted manuscript of an article accepted for publication in _LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory_. It is made available, here, [on a personal website with no embargo](/images/Eve-LIT-Egan.pdf) and will also be available in Birkbeck’s institutional repository 18 months after publication, as per Taylor & Francis’s OA policy at the time of acceptance.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

In the acknowledgements to _Close Reading with Computers_, I write: > I came to the computational study of novels through a chance intersection of two of my main life interests: literature and computer programming. Before I was an academic, I was a computer programmer. At age seven I was incredibly lucky to have an information technology teacher – Andrew J. Read – who had written a book to teach children to program in the BASIC language.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

Birkbeck, University of London, my institution, has [pulled out of all national league tables]( I think this is a good move. In my opinion, league tables are poisonous instruments of marketised higher education premised on nebulous ideas of market consumer "choice" for students.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

It has been a pretty epic editing process and one that I would not be in a hurry to repeat any time soon, but I am pleased to say that the volume that I am editing with Jonathan Gray is pretty much ready to go back to The MIT Press and should be done this month. Below is the chapter table of contents for _Old Traditions and New Technologies: The Pasts, Presents, and Futures of Open Scholarly Communications_.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

In Everest, F. Alton, and Ken C Pohlmann, _Master Handbook of Acoustics_ (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009), p. 247, a range of room ratios are listed to achieve optimal modal distributions using the Bolt range and a set of external sources. In other words, this addresses the question: what size should I make my room to achieve the best even distribution of sound throughout?

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

The autoimmune conditions from which I suffer are a total pain to describe under the general frameworks within which most people understand illness. For most short-term infections -- which are, after all, the frame of reference most people hold for illness -- rest is helpful. You should go back to bed and you'll feel better. If you are tired, it is a sign from your body that you should rest.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

Today I read Kathleen Fitzpatrick's _Generous Thinking: A Radical Approach to Saving the University_, a book that touches on many of my interests (public humanities, open access, reforming university assessments and hiring etc.). I'd already had the pleasure of reading the draft version, which [was available for open comment](, but the final edition really did feel even better than that.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

The [economy of prestige in academia]( is odd. We often like to think that the prestige of our institutions -- whether that be a university or a publisher -- is not made on the basis of a monetary or financial decision. But I think there are lots of things that give the lie to this. Consider the debate around new open-access book publishers.

Lingue e letteraturaInglese

The PreSonus Quantum interfaces are [definitely not supported on Windows 7]( But if you are not faint of heart, it is possible to hack the driver onto a Windows 7 system (or perhaps Windows 8). Here's how I did it. OK, so first things first, this is TOTALLY unofficial, definitely not officially supported, and I am _not_ responsible if these