
Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Autore Stephen Turner

Google Developers recognized that most developers learn R in bits and pieces, which can leave significant knowledge gaps. To help fill these gaps, they created a series of introductory R programming videos. These videos provide a solid foundation for programming tools, data manipulation, and functions in the R language and software.

Autore Stephen Turner

As the 2013 ISMB/ECCB meeting is winding down, I archived and analyzed the 2000+ tweets from the meeting using a set of bash and R scripts I previously blogged about. The archive of all the tweets tagged #ISMBECCB from July 19-24, 2013 is and will forever remain here on Github. You'll find some R code to parse through this text and run the analyses below in the same repository, explained in more detail in my previous blog post.

Autore Stephen Turner

At last week's 2013 useR! conference in Albacete, Spain, Martin Morgan and Marc Carlson led a course on using R/Bioconductor for analyzing next-gen sequencing data, covering alignment, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and sequence annotation using R. The course materials are online here, including R code for running the examples, the PDF vignette tutorial, and the course material itself as a package. Course Materials from useR!

Autore Stephen Turner

Like your .bashrc, .vimrc, or many other dotfiles you may have in your home directory, your .Rprofile is sourced every time you start an R session. On Mac and Linux, this file is usually located in ~/.Rprofile. On Windows it's buried somewhere in the R program files. Over the years I've grown and pruned my .Rprofile to set various options and define various "utility" functions I use frequently at the interactive prompt.

BioinformaticsRNA-SeqSoftwareWeb AppsBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Turner

I collaborate with several investigators on gene expression projects using both microarray and RNA-seq. After I show a collaborator which genes are dysregulated in a particular condition or tissue, the most common question I get is " what are the transcription factors regulating these genes? " This isn't the easiest question to answer.

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Since the near beginning of genome-wide association studies, the PLINK software package (developed by Shaun Purcell’s group at the Broad Institute and MGH) has been the standard for manipulating the large-scale data produced by these studies.

Autore Stephen Turner

Automatically Archiving Twitter Results Ever since Twitter gamed its own API and killed off great services like IFTTT triggers, I've been looking for a way to automatically archive tweets containing certain search terms of interest to me. Twitter's built-in search is limited, and I wanted to archive interesting tweets for future reference and to start playing around with some basic text / trend analysis.

BioinformaticsMetagenomicsRecommended ReadingBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Turner

A handful of good metagenomics papers have come out over the last few months. Below I've linked to and copied my evaluation of each of these articles from F1000. ... 1. Willner, Dana, and Philip Hugenholtz. "From deep sequencing to viral tagging: Recent advances in viral metagenomics." BioEssays (2013).  My evaluation: This review lays out some of the challenges and recent advances in viral metagenomic sequencing.

Autore Stephen Turner

I frequently get asked to recommend workshops or online learning resources for bioinformatics, genomics, statistics, and programming. I compiled a list of both online learning resources and in-person workshops (preferentially highlighting those where workshop materials are freely available online): List of Bioinformatics Workshops and Training Resources I hope to keep the page above as up-to-date as possible.

BioinformaticsClusteringConferencesMachine LearningBiologiaInglese
Autore Unknown

For over 15 years, members of the computer science, machine learning, and data mining communities have gathered in a beautiful European location each spring to share ideas about biologically-inspired computation.  Stemming from the work of John Holland who pioneered the field of genetic algorithms, multiple approaches have been developed that exploit the dynamics of natural systems to solve computational problems.

AnnouncementsConferencesDatabasesRecommended ReadingSoftwareBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Turner

A couple of weeks ago I, with the help of others here at UVA, organized a Software Carpentry bootcamp, instructed by Steve Crouch, Carlos Anderson, and Ben Morris. The day before the course started, Charlottesville was racked by nearly a foot of snow, widespread power outages, and many cancelled incoming flights. Luckily our instructors arrived just in time, and power was (mostly) restored shortly before the boot camp started.