

Data driven blogging from the GigaScience editors
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BiologyAnimal GenomicsBird GenomicsConservation GenomicsEndangered SpeciesBiologiaInglese

A new genomic analysis of the blue peafowl and its endangered green sister species provides insights into unwanted hybridization between these closely related birds, which may pose a risk to conservation efforts. The authors of a new GigaScience article also show

BiologyConservation BiologyExtinctionGenomicsMammalBiologiaInglese

Today is World Pangolin Day!  To celebrate the occasion GigaScience presents a new article, adding two chromosome-scale genome sequences and in-depth genomic analyses. Pangolins are cute, but the reason why it’s important to draw regular attention to these scaly mammals is more sober: Pangolins are the most trafficked wild mammals in the world, with more than 900,000 poached in the past two decades.

PublishingOpen ScienceProtocolsProtocols.ioReproducibilityBiologiaInglese

This week we are pleased to announce and highlight new updated additions to our long-running collaboration with, linked to our first paper with a peer-reviewed protocol featuring a “Peer-reviewed method” badge on Alongside the addition of new functionality in to submit protocols as method papers to GigaByte . The new GigaByte paper presents a new method expanding the alphabet and

BiologyAnimal GenomicsConferenceConferencesConservationBiologiaInglese

The 32nd Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG) Conference 2025 was a whirlwind of fascinating talks and innovative research! As in previous years (see previous blog posts here & here), the event spanned 5 complete days, this time the organisers reporting 2349 registered attendees from 64 countries. The top 5 represented countries were (highest number of participants first); USA, Canada, UK, Germany and China.


This week we published a new, high-quality genome sequence of one of Australia’s most iconic animals, the short beaked echidna. The almost gapless genome sequence of this egg-laying mammal helps researchers to track genomic reshuffling events that gave rise to a perplexing  sex determination system. At first glance they may be mistaken for a weird-looking hedgehog.

HealthBiodiversityData PublicationData PublishingDisease OutbreaksBiologiaInglese

TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases hosted at the World Health Organization (WHO), GBIF and GigaScience Press have announced a third call for authors to submit Data Release papers on vectors of human disease for inclusion in a thematic series published in GigaByte Journal.

Technology3D Spatial MappingGenomicsHuman Cell AtlasHuman Cell Atlas AsiaBiologiaInglese

Human Cell Atlas Asia 2024: A Spatial Omics Odyssey The GigaScience Press Cross Journal (GigaScience and GigaByte) series on “Spatial Omics: Methods and Application” continues to receive and publish submissions. Promoting and providing a home for cutting edge research in new field taking large-scale data-rich biological and biomedical research into new dimensions. This month new […]

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BiologyEndangered SpeciesGenome AssemblyPopulation GenomicsStorkBiologiaInglese

This week in GigaScience we published a new genomic analysis of the endangered Oriental Stork, bringing good news: The population’s genetic health is still surprisingly strong, with high genetic diversity and low levels of inbreeding. Climate change, forest wildfires, hunting and the expansion of agriculture, industry and other human activities threaten the Oriental Stork ( Ciconia boyciana ), which is listed as

BiologyCassyniOpen SciencePlant GenomicsPlant PhenomicsBiologiaInglese

Reaching new highs in Cannabis sativa Omics There is a growing interest in Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) research, and recent changes in regulations have spurred numerous genomic studies of this once-prohibited plant. Industrial hemp and medical marijuana are now global multibillion-dollar industries, but due to its widespread prohibition in the 20th and early 21st century it […]

The post Getting deep into the weeds of Cannabis genomics: Join our first Cassyni Seminar appeared first on GigaBlog.