

Data driven blogging from the GigaScience editors
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The 12th International Biocuration Conference was held in Cambridge, UK from April 7-10th 2019. As regular participants of the meeting you can read our write-ups of the meeting going back to 2012. This is a forum for biocurators and developers to discuss their work and to promote collaboration.

TechnologyBig DataDNA DayGuest PostThird Generation SequencingBiologiaInglese

It’s DNA day, commemorating the publication of the structure of DNA in 1953, as well as the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. Genomics has come a long way since then. Today it is possible to sequence whole genomes with a very reasonable investment of time and money. What an amazing time for scientists who are working with non-model organisms.

PublishingDatabaseFAIRFAIR DataGigaDBBiologiaInglese

FAIRer Sharing via FAIRsharing Our aim at GigaScience is to provide the means to open up and share research data. On top of just making these available via our (new look) GigaDB database, we’ve been involved with communities that wants to maximize the utility of these research outputs by making them FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable […]

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Developing WorldCitizen ScienceEarth ObservationsOpen DataOpen ScienceBiologiaInglese

Citizen Science at UNEA4 As GigaScience has the aim of opening and democratising science as far as it can go, we even work towards the involvement of non-professional “citizen scientists” in the scientific process. Regular readers of this blog and journal will have seen the many crowdfunded and educational community genome projects we have promoted […]

The post Citizen Science goes mainstream. Back at the UN with the Citizen Science Global Partnership. appeared first on GigaBlog.


The 10th anniversary of the EMBO Workshop: Visualising Biological Data (VIZBI 2019) took place in EMBL in Heidelberg last week. GigaScience Data Scientist Chris Armit was there and was astonished at the cinematic quality of the visualisations that were showcased over this 3-day meeting.


The diffraction limit of a microscope hinders the ability to see single molecules as the optics do not allow the researcher to distinguish between two fluorescently labelled molecules that are less than 200nm apart. As a means of overcoming this barrier, super-resolution microscopy utilises various tricks to go beyond the diffraction limit and image sub-cellular nanostructure in cells and tissues.

BiologyOpen AccessBirdsEvolutionGenome AssemblyBiologiaInglese

New genomic data from five birds-of-paradise reveal genes that are shaped by selection and help explain the origin of their spectacular plumage. Birds-of-paradise, with their elaborate and colorful feathers and their complex courtship displays, are a school-book example of sexual selection.

BiologyGenomicsGigaDBOpen DataPlant GenomicsBiologiaInglese

Our Biggest Dataset Yet. Oh, Ruili? A new Data Note provides genome sequencing data that effectively triples the number of plant species with available genome data. This mammoth amount of work comes on the back of the growing efforts of the scientific community to sequence more plant genomes to aid in understanding their complex evolution […]

The post Planetary Genomes. Creating a Digital Botanical Garden. appeared first on GigaBlog.


Assuring Appropriate Authorship. In our day-to-day work at GigaScience many of the most common and reoccurring problems we keep encountering relate to appropriate authorship. In this “publish or perish” world of science, getting authorship right is of course important. There are many issues that underlie the appropriateness of authorship, but fortunately there are internationally recognised […]

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BiologyICGICG PrizePROSE AwardBiologiaInglese

2018 was yet another eventful year at GigaScience. Before most of the editors and data curators take a few days of well-earned break from handling Giga-papers and Giga-data, it’s time to look back over this year’s highlights – of which there are many. Prizes were handed out and received, we travelled to conferences all over […]

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