

Data driven blogging from the GigaScience editors
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Open AccessFAIROpen SciencePublishingBiologiaInglese

It was a year to remember, for more than one reason: 2022 marked the 10th anniversary of GigaScience ‘s launch. The journal’s younger sibling GigaByte got an award and continued to innovate with living documents and its first trilingual article. And we published lots of memorable research, featuring, for example, a giant tortoise and 26 deadly snakes.

BiologyDeveloping WorldMedicineProteomicsSnakesBiologiaInglese

The Center for Antibody Technologies headed by Professor Andreas Laustsen-Kiel (Technical University of Denmark) used high-throughput methods to systematically analyze the venoms of the 26 most deadly snakes in sub-Saharan Africa. The results are now published in Gigascience . Each year, around 500,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa suffer from snake bites, causing an estimated 7,000 to 20,000 deaths.

PublishingAccessibilityGigaByteOpen AccessOpen ScienceBiologiaInglese

GigaByte this week marks the first time multilingual articles have been simultaneously published in English, Spanish and Ukrainian. Showcasing a novel and award winning feature from our publishing platform.

The post The first English-Spanish-Ukrainian Publication. How to publish multilingual articles with GigaByte appeared first on GigaBlog.

MedicineData PublicationDisease VectorInfectious DiseaseOpen DataBiologiaInglese

TDR, GBIF and GigaScience Press have announced a second call (and webinar) for the GigaByte series publishing new datasets for research on vectors of human diseases.

The post Second call (and webinar) for GigaByte’s vectors of human disease series appeared first on GigaBlog.

MedicineArtificial IntelligenceData SharingImagingNeuroscienceBiologiaInglese

Q&A with Henry Szechtman on his new study providing enormous amounts of rat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder data, comprising 11.1TB of videography from >2 years of continuous recording .

The post AI Opportunities for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Q&A with Henry Szechtman appeared first on GigaBlog.

PublishingALPSP AwardAwardsOpen SciencePublishingBiologiaInglese

GigaByte Journal wins the ALPSP Innovation Award for their interactive articles and tools aimed at fulfilling the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science We at GigaScience Press are very pleased to announce that our newest journal GigaByte has won the 2022 ALPSP Award for Innovation in Scholarly Publishing.