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lab.sub - Articles

Better sit thus, and observe thy strange things
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ToolsSymfonyScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

On many of our Websites we have contact forms. And recently there seems to be an elevated number of bots filling out these forms with spam data. That’s especially a problem, when a contact form is directly connected to an Issue Tracker, that automatically generates an issue when a mail to a specified address arrives. A possible solution for avoiding automated form-fills is using CAPTCHAs.

ToolsFunScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

In our University - and also our Data-Center GWDG we use Open-Source Software whenever it is possible. So, instead of using proprietary Video Conferencing Services, such as Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams / Skype, the GWDG provided us a reliable Big Blue Button Service. This Software is - compared to the proprietary solutions mentioned above - limited in its functionality, especially the fun part!

GitlabReleaseRunnerCiGitScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore Mathias Göbel

When writing code at some point we want to highlight a specific state, we want to celebrate reaching a new milestone and usually this is the moment to prepare a release . Nowadays when we all are about to use git, it is quite common to utilize tags for this. A tag points to a specific commit, it is a persistent shortcut to this point of the development.

IiifConferenceScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

Last week I attended the official 2019 IIIF Conference in Göttingen. It was maybe the hottest week of the year, so the first thing the IIIF Consortium bought, was a fan to get some fresh air for the audience. IIIF? IIIF (Triple-eye-eff), the I nternational I mage I nteroparability F ramework is a set of APIs for having a standardized retrieval of Images, Metadata and more.

ToolsTypo3DockerScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

The way we are using TYPO3 has constantly been changed in the last 10 years. I will show you, how we use state-of-the-art technologies to optimize and automatize the way of building and deploying our TYPO3 sites. History There were times no source code repository existed and everything was done live on the server. Then we had monolithic repositories in Subversion (do you member?) where each and everything belonging to the site was stored.

OpenapiRestxqXqueryScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore Mathias Göbel

This article introduces an XQuery library that allows code generation according to the OpenAPI 3.0.2 standard based on RESTXQ. It uses xqDoc as well as XQuery function annotation with %rest and %test prefix, combined with type declaration and also searches for general information in package description resources (expath-pkg.xml and repo.xml). It ships with the “swagger-ui-dist” package grabbed from npm, but can be built without by ant.

PresentationMarkdownScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore Mathias Göbel

Tired of presentations made with a full-featured (as in: full of features you are never going to use) software suite stored in unhandy proprietary formats? OK, I am sorry for this rhetorical question.

GamificationScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneTedesco

Von Athanasios Mazarakis und Paula Bräuer Eine Teilprojektvorstellung unseres Partners CAU Kiel zum Projekt OA-FWM Das vom BMBF geförderte Projekt „Fachspezifische OA-Workshops und Bereitstellung von OA-Materialien - OA-FWM“ zielt darauf ab, insbesondere die fachspezifische Information und Ansprache im Bereich Open Access zu verbessern.

SustainabilityScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

The Alliance of German Science Organisations has recently published its “Recommendations on the Development, Use and Provision of Research Software”, in English and German. Research software has been an emerging subject in recent months, which has been considered as a subtitle of research data by the scientific community for a long time. But software is not data. It must evolve and adapt to the changes in its environment.

AgileScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese

I just stumbled over a nice post and became inspired writing about agility in our teams, how we got there, how we use it and how it may fail. The intellectual foundation for becoming agile in a software development group, is to internalize the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development “. Starting the transition We started off with a new project about 4 years ago and some people that were keen on changing the way we worked in the past.