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OA.Works Blog

OA.Works Blog
OA.Works Blog
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This is a weekly series highlighting Open Access Button users from around the world, discussing their work, and sharing their stories. If you would like to participate, please email Lecturer Ernesto Priego, part of the team at City University London’s Library and Information Science Course, was thankfully able to chat with us after a summer criss-crossing the globe to speak at conferences.

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Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Graham Steel, an Open Access Button user and a tireless advocate for Open Access talked with the Open Access Button team about why he believes that paywalls stifle innovation and progress in science. “At the very moment that most of us carry access to a global information network in our pockets, our ability to tap into the world’s knowledge is eliminated.

MediumScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore OA.Works

This is a weekly series highlighting Open Access Button users from around the world, discussing their work, and sharing their stories. If you would like to participate, please email . We caught up with Graham Steel, a tireless advocate for Open Access who believes in sharing information as widely and as easily as possible.

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Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? The Open Access Button has announced that it will be launching the new Button during Open Access Week 2014 and is looking for partners to host launch events. Science Advances , a new Open Access journal, responded to the open letter from researchers expressing their concerns with the journal’s policies, with a FAQ.

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Autore OA.Works

After the launch of the Open Access Button Beta last November, we have had many requests for a Button that works for mobile. With the launch of the next Open Access Button later this year, the Open Access Button is getting a mobile app. This work is being funded by JISC as part of the Summer of Student Innovation initiative, and this is the first of many blogs updating you on our development.

MediumScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Paleontology doctoral student and Open Access advocate, Jon Tennant, talked with the Open Access Button team about why open access to research matters to him. Look for more conversations with Open Access Button users on our blog in the coming weeks!

MediumScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore OA.Works

This is a weekly series highlighting Open Access Button users from around the world, discussing their work, and sharing their stories. If you would like to participate, please email [caption id=“attachment_1166" align=“alignright” width=“224"] Jon uses the Open Access Button, because he thinks it has the potential to create a powerful dataset and it’s a great way to document the failure of publishers.

MediumScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Graduate student Patricia San Jose talked with the Open Access Button team about why she joined the fight for open access and why open science is essential. Look for more conversations with Open Access Button users on our blog in the coming weeks! TODAY is the last day to apply for the Open Access Week competition. INASP is giving $500 to ten successful applicants.

MediumScienze informatiche e dell'informazioneInglese
Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? The Open Access Button launched the Open Access Button Action Centre this week. Want to help the team promote open access initiatives and combat paywalls? Join us: sign up today! Are you at Wikimania 2014 in London this weekend? Open Access Button team members David Carroll, Chealsye Bowley, and Megan Waples are there too! Feel free to ask them about the OA Button.